Page 115 of Moonstone Maelstrom

I lose his heat when he slides out of bed, bending down to grab his discarded clothes and slipping his pants back on.

“You’re leaving?” I’m still out of breath and coated in a layer of sweat from our joining, and he wants to leave?

“Would ye like me to stay?”

Would I? I’m shocked to find that I am actually sad at the thought of Fintan leaving.

I want him to stay.

I just can’t bring myself to voice that to him.

“Get some sleep, Josie. I’ll see you at nightfall.”

The door slips shut before I can muster up the courage to ask Finn to stay with me.

“Goodnight,” I say to the empty room.



The four of us have been hanging out in the Dumont family crypt for almost an hour when Josephine prods me in the chest with a bony finger. “You could help, you know.”

When I open my eyes, she is leaning over me, the pink tips of her curls brushing against the fabric of my shirt in a touch so light no human could feel its tickling caress.

“I could,” I agree.

Her brow creases in the middle when I don’t move from my place. “You are the most insufferable vampire. You know that, right?”

“I do, but I think the same about you, little witch. Besides, I’m doing the most important job.”

“Being a royal ass?” Josephine suggests.


She grunts. “Truly, absolutely, utterly insufferable.”

Rune snorts. “Try dealing with him for a century, then get back to me.”

“No thanks.”

Unfortunately, that is exactly what my future looks like—the three of us stuck with Josephine Dumont. At least she’s something to look at.

“Even a single decade with Bas is too long,” Finn adds.

The three of them break out in laughter.

I prop myself up on the stone lid of the tomb I’m lounging on and watch Josephine get back to work. “When did this become ‘pick on Sebastian hour’? As the supervisor, I advise we get back to work, or else the wolves will skin us and parade around wearing our pelts as a trophy.”

Josephine looks at me and her mouth falls open. “What is wrong with you?”

Fintan throws me a look. “Wow, Bas. Rune calls me a party pooper but I think yer in contention for the title.”

Who knew they were so touchy?

Rune chuckles. “Way to kill the pre-battle vibes, man.”

“At least get off the tomb. You shouldn’t disrespect the dead like that.”