“Alright. It looks like we're going to have to start higher than that. What about two thousand? Who will give me two thousand for Noah?” The same dozen hands went up, and Noah held back a groan. He was happy for the money that would be raised, but it seemed like things were about to get a little rowdy.
“Five thousand!” a woman in the crowd yelled. Noah couldn't see her, so he had no clue who it was.
“Six!” another woman to the right shouted, this one he could see. She was a prominent CEO at a local company, and her husband was right next to her. He knew they were huge Emperors fans, and he would be happy if they won him.
“Seven!” another woman yelled, and again he knew this one to be the wife of the owner of the local football team.
From the back, the same female voice that started the bidding shouted, “Ten thousand dollars!”
The crowd gasped and then fell silent. Ten thousand dollars was a lot of money. It was the highest anyone had gone for yet. Part of Noah was happy that he was the one bringing in that sort of money; another part of him was a little afraid of what this woman would want in return.
“We have ten thousand,” Jase said. “Do I hear eleven?”
A new voice came from the left. A man’s voice. A voice that sounded familiar, but Noah couldn't quite place. “Fifteen thousand!” the voice yelled.
“We have a new bidder,” Jase announced. “Fifteen thousand dollars. Going once, going twice, sold! Noah Ashe, you are sold to Shane Bradley for fifteen thousand dollars for a lovely date in the park.”
The crowd laughed, but all Noah could think was how fucking lucky he was.
Shane Bradley was there, and he’d bet on him.
Backstage he was still in shock when he ran into Heath, who had yet to go out on stage. “You're a lucky son of a bitch,” he said. “I had no idea Shane was even in town, but now you get out of your date, and you've made the most money so far.” He straightened his tie. “At least until I get up there,” He winked.
“Oh, now you're excited to go out there?” Noah rolled his eyes.
“I'm here, I'm doing it. I might as well try to beat your amount.”
Heath walked away, Noah immediately looking around for Zara.
Instead he found Shane Bradley. “She’s still out front.” Shane strode toward him, looking every bit of the billionaire he was.
“I was just coming to thank you for your bid.” He stepped forward, shaking Shane’s hand.
“If I hadn’t won you, my wife would not be happy with me. And I prefer it when she’s happy.”
“I didn’t even realize you were coming tonight.”
“I wasn’t. When I got the invitation weeks ago, I declined, but last night, Allana stormed into the living room after she saw the updated list of athletes who were being auctioned off. She informed me that I had to go and bid on you so that Zara didn’t have to worry.”
Noah chuckled. “Do you do everything your wife tells you to do?”
“I do, and someday, so will you.” Shane leaned in. “Zara is one of my favorite people. Not only is she a kick ass agent, she’s a good person. Allana says you love her and are good for her. Don’t prove her wrong.” He stepped back, a big smile on his face. “Now, about that picnic in the park.”
Noah was shocked but only for a quick second. “Your wife is very astute.”
Shane laughed. “Among other things.”
“You don’t really want to go on a picnic with me, do you?” If he did, Noah would gladly take him on one.
“You’re a nice guy, Noah, and a great baseball player. But no, I do not want to go on a picnic with you. Let’s go get some photos taken for the media and then you can go find Zara and I can fly back home to my wife.”
That sounded great to Noah. At least the finding Zara part. He hadn't seen her since before he was auctioned off and he missed her like crazy. Once pictures were taken and questions were answered, Noah finally went in search of Zara. He looked everywhere and was just about at his wits’ end when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Pulling it out, he found a text from Zara.
Hannah has relieved me of my duties for the night. Let's go home.