Not really.
Or, maybe it was. She honestly had no clue.
“What are you talking about?” She gave Hannah a strange look.
“You keep doing this,” Hannah rolled her shoulders, and it immediately hit Zara why she was doing that.
Her shoulders were sore from the handcuffs. She wasn’t shy about sex, but telling her friend about being handcuffed to the bed while Noah fucked her might be going too far.
“I think I slept wrong or something.” She hoped that was the end of the conversation.
Hannah lowered her sunglasses. “Don't you lie to me, Zara Dewan. I have known you long enough to recognize when you’re fibbing.”
Zara sighed and gave in, knowing that Hannah would find a way to drag it out of her anyway. “Noah might have handcuffed me to the bed last night.” She leaned in and whispered, hoping not to be overheard by anyone near them.
“Oh. My. God.” Her mouth was hanging open. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“What day?”
“The day that you let your guard down.”
“What in the world are you talking about?”
“Yes, you like sex, and you like all kinds of sex, but never in all the years we’ve known each other have you ever told me about any kind of sex where you weren’t in control.”
“That’s not true.” Was it?
“Think back and tell me it’s not.”
As she thought back through her sex life, she realized Hannah was right. She’d done a lot of things, but she’d never, not once, let the guy bind her in any way. What was even weirder was that she couldn't remember a guy ever even asking. Did she put off some vibe that told them she wouldn't like it?
Except she had liked it. With Noah.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
She glared at her. “Do you want a prize? Maybe a trophy?”
“Yes, but that’s not important right now. What is important is that you're different with Noah. You keep looking for answers about what you should do, and it’s staring you right in the face.”
“I’ve sort of figured that out already.”
Hannah tilted her head to the side, studying her before slipping her sunglasses back on. “Good.”
“That’s all you have to say?” She’d expected much more.
“That’s it.”
Zara doubted that was true but didn't have time to think about it anymore because Noah was up to bat.
“He’s played well today. Actually, he’s played well the last few games.” Hannah was telling her something she already knew.
She sat forward in her seat, watching him closely as he took a few practice swings and then stepped into the batter's box. “He’s going to be a big draw tonight.” Her phone had been buzzing all day since the news of him being auctioned off went out.
Noah was well-loved both in and out of baseball, something she was just realizing.
She wasn't sure how much she liked the thought of everybody wanting to bid on him, but she made the decision, and she had to stick by it. If they were a couple out in the world and everybody knew about them, he wouldn't even be in this situation.
He was doing her a favor, and she would have to accept that someone would win a date with him.