Page 59 of Sacrifice Bunt

Chapter 14



He hadn't been lying when he’d told Zara that he would sleep with her underwear under his pillow. That's exactly what he’d done for the last two nights.

It didn't make him miss her any less, but it did give him a little bit of comfort. So did knowing she would be there in just a day.

They’d talked many times during the last couple of days. Texting, calls, and FaceTime. He always preferred FaceTime to anything else because then, at least, he got to see her face. He loved looking at her while talking. Her dark skin, her hair pulled up on her head haphazardly, and the smattering of freckles she had over her nose.

They hadn't veered into anything sexual over the phone, and that was fine by him. He wanted to be touching her the next time he came. His dick was starting to get annoyed with him about that.

He understood her reluctance to want to get into a relationship and her fear of actually doing it. He knew she was used to being good at things, and she feared so badly being bad at this, but what she didn't get was that she couldn't possibly be bad at it. He didn't care. He liked everything about her, from the way she rolled her eyes down to the fluorescent green nail polish on her toenails.

Green was his least favorite color, but on Zara, he loved it.

He tried not to push, not to prod, and not to beg her to come to visit him sooner whenever they talked. He knew, at some point, it was going to boil over, and he was going to say something that took him back ten steps. He was just hoping that by then, she'd know how he felt about her.

He hadn't told her he loved her, even though he knew he did. Not only that, he was pretty sure she knew he did too. It was only a matter of time before those words slipped out of his mouth, especially once she was in his bed again.

His game had just ended, and he was returning to his house when a call came through over his car speaker. He answered it quickly, knowing it would be Zara. They'd gotten into a habit of sorts, where she called him on his way home from games at night.

She bypassed all hellos as soon as he answered and went straight into a rant.

“I swear to God, if Henderson does that again, I will drop him as a client. How dare he throw that ball at your head.”

He knew this would be her reaction the second the pitcher had almost hit him with the ball. He lucked out, ducking just in time, but it was still a scary moment. After the game, Henderson made sure he stopped by to tell him that it was not on purpose. The ball had just gotten away from him.

“He didn't do it on purpose,” Noah told her.

“You don't know that. People say things all the time, and I like Henderson, but sometimes he can be a real asshole, and I'm going to tell him that.”

He loved how hot and bothered she was. How protective she was of him. “You know I don't need you to fight my battles for me, right?”

“Wrong. It is my job to fight your battles.”

“You're not my agent, so no, it's not your job.”

“I’m not talking about my job as your agent. I'm talking about my job as your girl—”

She stopped mid-word, and he couldn't help but smile. “What was that you were about to say?”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she swore, and it sounded like she walked away from her phone. “Can we maybe just forget I said that?” her voice was louder again, letting him know she’d moved back towards the phone.

“Since I didn't actually hear anything, there's nothing for me to forget.” If she could see the giant grin on his face, she would want to slap him. Nothing made him happier than hearing that she was about to call herself his girlfriend.

“Perfect. You didn't hear anything, so there's nothing to forget.”

“You know what, now that I think about it, I did hear something.” Goading her was at the top of his favorite things to do to her. It was directly under ‘lick her pussy’ and ‘fuck her silly’.

She groaned. “You know what, I take it back. Even if I was going to say what I almost said, I can not possibly be the girlfriend of a guy who annoys me this much.”

“Oh, you can't, can you?” He was laughing out loud now, unable to control himself.