“I get that. I'm not asking you to change. If it wasn’t apparent, I like you just the way you are.”
“Bruno Mars. Good song.”
“Huh?” He said, sounding obviously confused.
“When people say phrases that are in songs, I like to name the song, and Just The Way You Are is a Bruno Mars song.”
“I know the song. I was just confused for a minute.” She could tell he was smiling.
“Get used to it. It's part of my charm.”
He laughed deeply, causing a pang of desire. If she hadn't been an idiot, she'd still be in California with him instead of in Arizona with her friends. Where he was not. Where if she wanted sex and orgasms, she would be required to do it herself.
She didn’t want to do it herself.
She wanted the orgasms Noah gave her. The good ones.
“What if I came back this weekend to see you,” she said, completely out of the blue.
Silence settled over the line. “Do you want to do that?” he asked slowly as if he was afraid to spook her.
Smart man. She huffed out a breath. “I have no idea what I want to do, but I know that I want to see you. Everything else I will have to figure out as I go. I can't promise I won't freak out again, and I can't promise that I won't leave you sitting at the airport in your car after you drop me off. The only thing I know is that when I'm with you, I feel good.”
“I have day games both Saturday and Sunday, but I will gladly give you all my extra time.”
“I can fly out Friday night and be there by the time your game ends.” She was going to do this. Fly back out to see him.
“I'll send you a ticket,” he said, and she shook her head even though she knew she couldn't see her.
“I can get my own ticket.”
“Zara, listen to me. I'm sure you know how much money I make and because of what I do for a living, I can't come to you all the time. Let me do this. Let me pay for your ticket.”
She heard the genuine need in his voice. Heard what he was telling her without actually telling her. He needed to feel that he was doing something in this relationship they were having. That it wasn't just one-sided.
She completely understood where he was coming from, and because of that, she agreed.
Now she just said to make it until Friday.
Something that was not going to be an easy feat.