Page 47 of Sacrifice Bunt

Zara was standing in front of him.

“What—How—Am I being pranked?” He stuck his head out the door, looking left and then right. “How are you here? Why are you here?” The shock of seeing her, on his doorstep no less, had him beyond confused.

“Do you always answer the door in your underwear?”

Hearing her voice eased something inside him. A little more relaxed, he leaned against the door jam. “I do when someone bangs on my door this early in the morning on my day off.”

She looked a little sheepish as she shrugged her shoulders. “Did I wake you up?”

“You did.” He paused. “Are you going to tell me why you're here?”

Her gaze held his. “You know why I'm here.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I'm not sure I do.” He absolutely knew why she was there, but he was going to make her say it.

She sighed. “Why are you always so difficult?”

His lips turned up into a smile. “Do you want me not to be difficult?”

She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, biting down as if she was thinking for just a few seconds. “I hate when you do that.”

“Do what?” He was on the verge of laughing, but somehow he didn’t.

“Act like you know me so well. As if you know what I'm going to say or do.”

He did know her. He'd been watching her for years, but again, he wasn't about to say that. “Why don't you just tell me why you're here?”

“Because I couldn't sleep. Because all I did was toss and turn and wonder why I was sleeping alone when I could be here with you in bed, letting you do filthy things to my body with that magical mouth of yours.”

His cock went rock hard.

He swallowed the lust in his throat. “If I let you inside, that's exactly what's going to happen.” His voice was heavy with arousal. He wasn't even sure how he was getting words out.

“I want that,” she said, her eyes fire and need, her voice husky.

“Tell me we’re more than friends, or I can't let you in.” He wouldn't survive it again if he let her into his life, and she just walked out like he didn't matter.

She took a step forward, lifting a hand and placing it on his bare chest. Her palm singed his skin. “We're more than friends. I knew that a week ago. Hell, I think I might have known it a year ago, but I never let myself go there. I still don't think I can do more than a friends-with-benefits sort of thing, but I can try. I want to try.”

It was good enough for him.

He grabbed her around the waist, plastering her body against his and hauling her inside his house. As soon as the door was closed, he pressed her against it, his lips coming down hard on hers. The kiss went on and on as her hands roamed his exposed skin.

He relished the way she seemed to need to touch him.

It was the same for him.

The need had gotten out of control, and he was a volcano ready to erupt.

“I fucking missed you,” he swore into her neck as he bit and licked her skin. “I need you naked.”

“You first,” she said, pushing his underwear to the floor, his cock jutting straight out in between them.

She grinned wickedly as she lowered herself to the floor. He held his breath, waiting to see what she did next.

And she did not disappoint.

She didn't tease or shy away. She gave the head of his dick a quick lick and then enveloped him in her hot, wet mouth. He groaned, “Jesus, yes.”