Page 32 of Sacrifice Bunt

“Because Zara is my sister’s best friend, and they weren’t always quiet when they thought they were whispering around me.” Heath stepped closer to Noah, coming face to face with him. “You’re the guy who just left her there.”

“I’m the guy who saved her damn life,” he said defensively, raising his voice.

“Woah, guys,” Kyle separated them. “Someone needs to fill me the fuck in, and you two need to calm down.”

“This asshole left Zara at the scene of a fire after walking in on her naked.”

Kyle turned to Noah, “The woman from that story was Zara?”

Noah nodded. “I didn’t know her then. We were both in college, and it wasn't until a few years later, when I saw her at a game with Heath, that I found out who she was.” Noah looked at Heath. “I didn’t just leave her there. After I got her out, I was on the verge of the worst panic attack I’d ever had.”

Heath immediately went from being on guard to being more relaxed. “Shit.” He stepped away and repeated the word. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“Heath,” Kyle said, “I’m not sure this is bad. Unless I’m reading this wrong, I think our boy here has a thing for Zara.”

Noah’s eyes widened at Kyle’s statement. Had he been that obvious?

“Wait,” Heath stopped ranting to face him again, “you like Zara?”

Noah nodded, unsure if he should speak again.

“Zara Dewan? My Zara.”

That had Noah ready to speak. “What do you mean, your Zara?” This time he was the one coming face-to-face with Heath. “Do you have a thing for Zara?” Fuck, what if Zara and Heath were a thing, or maybe they’d hooked up. How would he be able to handle that?

Heath blinked and then, right in front of him, busted out laughing. “Oh god.” He laughed and laughed until he was doubled over in pain from laughing so hard.

Noah looked at Kyle, who shrugged and said, “I think it’s safe to say he doesn’t have a thing with Zara.”

“Quit saying it,” Heath struggled to breathe as he finally stood back up, still laughing.

“So you don’t like Zara.” Noah's voice was still on edge, as was his whole body.

“Jesus, no, not like that. She’s like a fucking sister to me. A fucking annoying one at that. I love her and value her, but I have never thought of her as more.”

Everything inside Noah relaxed completely after hearing that.

“I’m guessing you, on the other hand, do like her?” Heath studied him.

A tiny bit of panic started to come through, but then he remembered that these guys were his friends and weren’t going to judge him. After a few deep breaths, he answered. “I do. Is that going to be a problem?”

“Are you going to hurt her or just fuck her and move on?” There was no anger in his voice, just concern.

“Hell, no. I’m not looking for a one-time thing, even if that’s what she wants.”

“Hold up,” Kyle said, interrupting them. “You and she have talked about this?”

Well, fuck. “Sort of.” He took a deep breath and started from the beginning. “Since Hannah couldn’t be here, Zara had to go with me to the meeting with Power Punch. After the meeting, we rode back to the hotel together, and somehow, we ended up arguing....”

“Nothing new there,” Heath said with an eye roll.

“...and then the next thing I know, we’re kissing.”

“That’s new,” Kyle deadpanned.

Noah knew his body, and sensed that the panic was happening again. “Can we run and talk?” He needed the movement, the rush of energy to keep calm.

They fell in step next to him at a relaxing pace.