Chapter 7
When he woke, he found himself alone in bed, but a quick look around, and he found Zara at the desk, on her computer.
“Morning,” he said groggily, sitting up.
She turned to look at him over her shoulder, her happy expression from the night before gone, replaced with one that was all business. “Hey. There’s coffee if you’d like some.”
“I’m more of a tea guy, but thanks.” He scrubbed his hands over his eyes. He looked at the clock and found it was after seven.
“I hope I didn’t wake you, but I naturally wake up early, plus, I have a meeting at seven-thirty.”
He rested his elbows on his knees. “I guess I should get out of your way.” He didn’t want to go, but he could tell when he wasn’t wanted.
“I’m sure you have things to do too.” She turned back to face her computer as he got out of bed and searched for his clothes. The only problem was she was still wearing his shirt. Did he ask her for it or walk up the two flights to his room without it?
Her shoulders looked tight, and her spine was straight as she typed away on her laptop. He knew what was under that t-shirt. Why had she picked it back up to wear when she’d woken instead of one of her own?
He liked seeing her in something that belonged to him. Maybe long after he was gone, she’d wear it and remember him.
Maybe putting it on would make her want to see him again.
Decision made. He’d be walking out of the room shirtless.
“I’ll see you around.” He stayed where he was, hoping she’d turn around. As luck would have it, she did.
“Oh, I guess you need your shirt.” She started to pull it off, but he stopped her.
“Keep it. I’ve got plenty.” With that, he strode out of her room, but hopefully not out of her life.
That would be up to her, but he was going to do everything in his power to persuade her to see him again.
As soon as he was outside her door, the panic about what was to come started to set in. With every step he took, the panic got a little worse. By the time he was in his room, he was in a full-blown attack and had to lie down, close his eyes, and meditate.
It was almost like being in her presence had kept all the panic at bay.
Just fucking great.
After twenty minutes or so, he sat up, swinging his legs off his bed and hanging his head down to take some deep breaths. He needed to clear his mind, to do something besides think of Zara.
Running. He needed to run.
Grabbing his phone, he sent a text message to Heath and Kyle. He and Heath had gotten close with Kyle when they’d been in Valley Falls, and now they were his closest friends.
Anyone up for a run?
I was just about to leave for the gym but I can switch that to a run.