Page 28 of Sacrifice Bunt

He’d love to keep playing this game, but he was hungry and needed to eat. Picking up his plate again, he said, “No, not really. I’m not a monk, but I generally only have sex a few times a year. When I meet someone nice, I make sure they know it’s just that one night, and that's it. In fact, it’s been over six months since the last time.”

“There’s never been anyone you wanted to be more with? Who made you want to settle down?”

Her inquisitiveness on this subject was fascinating. There was someone he wanted more with. It was her. But he knew without a doubt that he’d never see her again if he said that. He had to take this slow and play it right.

She had to come to him.

“Not really.” Not a lie but not the truth either. “Seems we're two peas in the same pod.”

She looked at him silently before taking a bite of her food. “I guess so,” she said around a mouthful of pasta.

He smiled inwardly and kept eating. She hated that they were alike for some reason, and he hoped like hell he was the reason.

By the time they finished eating, he was beyond exhausted. But there was no way he was leaving when she wasn’t pushing him out the door. Somehow he’d find the energy for sex again. Really as soon as she touched him, he’d probably be raring to go.

That’s when he heard her sigh and stretch her back. It was evident that she was also exhausted. He needed to do the right thing.

“I should go.”

“No,” she said quickly. “You don’t have to.”

“We’re both tired and need sleep.”

She looked around the room, for what he had no idea. “I am tired, and I can see in your eyes that you are too, but I....I’m not ready for the night to end.”

He knew how much that confession cost her. “I’m not either.” He walked to her, taking her in his arms. She hugged him back, laying her head on his chest.

“Stay,” she said so quietly that he barely heard her.

It seemed like he was staying.

He tipped her face up, kissing her gently at first, but soon it turned into more. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies until they were both naked and on the bed. They kissed for long minutes, which turned into even longer minutes, but it never led to more.

Sex seemed to become an afterthought, and they fell asleep entwined together, neither of them saying a word.

It was the perfect end to their night together.