“So we’re agreed that after tonight, we go back to the way things were?”
“You’ll be annoyed and agitated with me, and I’ll provoke you whenever possible.”
A cheerful smile lit up her face. “Is that what you do? Provoke me?”
He tried to keep from laughing, but failed. “Absolutely.”
They both fell into a fit of laughter which somehow led to kissing. The kissing was about to lead to more, but there was a knock on the door. They pulled apart quickly.
“That’ll be the food.”
With reluctance, she stood up, giving him a quick backward glance. While she grabbed the food, he got himself under control. His dick was hard again, and he badly wanted to finish what they had almost just started.
He needed to get control.
A few deep breaths and thoughts of baseball stats had him back to normal by the time she was back with the food.
“Bed or table?”
They both looked to the table where her room service tray was still sitting. “The bed is good,” he said, grabbing a bag and helping her.
“I’m not always this messy,” she explained as they sat down on the bed. “When I travel, I just sort of don’t give a shit.”
“I was a little surprised. I’ve never seen a hair out of place on your head or your clothes in disarray. I assumed you were meticulous in everything.”
“I am,” she said as she pulled a covered container out of the bag. “At all times, except in hotels. It’s the one time I let myself just not give a fuck. There’s someone here to clean up after me, and I take advantage of that.”
“And I’m guessing you leave a large tip.”
“Why would you say that?” She inclined her head at him.
“Because you’re the kind of person who might want to relax, but you also know someone else is doing the work. You would never let that go unrewarded.” He’d watched her enough to come to a lot of conclusions.
“Well, you’re right. I do leave a tip.” She passed him a plastic paste. “I can’t believe you got all that when you barely know me.”
He might not have had face-to-face contact with her for all these years, but he’d watched her plenty. “I pay attention.”
They dug into the food, and she held up her fork after a few bites. “You know, I pay attention too. For instance, I know you have never been seen with a woman.”
“I don’t go out that much, and if I do, it’s with the guys or other friends.” He continued to eat, wondering if she’d keep going.
“Is there a woman or multiple women you just have on call when you need them?”
He practically choked on his pasta. “Holy fuck.” He spit out the bite that was in his mouth. “I can't believe you just asked me that.”
She shrugged. “We’re friends, right? I was asking a normal friend question.”
He set his plate down. “What is it you are asking me?” He knew what she wanted to know, but he wanted to hear her say it.
“Fine, you want me to be blunt. If you don’t go out and aren’t seen photographed with women, how do you get sex?” Her voice was pretty calm, but he heard just a hint of what he was hoping was jealousy.
“I could ask you the same.” He wasn’t going to break easily. He wanted her to squirm.
She huffed out a breath. “I have fuck buddies. Guys I know who don’t want anything more than a few nights or weeks of fun. They know the score going in, and it works. Are you happy?”
Not really. He wanted to murder every single one of them. Realistically, he knew she’d had sex and probably a lot because she was so confident and sexual. That didn't make it any easier to hear. “Maybe I have the same.”
“Do you?” Her eyebrows raised.