Page 25 of Sacrifice Bunt

She hadn’t expected that. For him to just ask what was next. “Um, I don’t know.”

He studied her. “I mean, do you want me to go or....”

This was her chance. She could tell him to go, and that would be the end. When she opened her mouth, that’s not what came out. “Are you hungry? We could get some food.”

If he was shocked at her answer, he didn’t show it. “I’m actually starving. “ He leaned down toward the floor, and when he rose back up, he had his shirt and shorts in his hands. He tossed her his shirt. “Put this on, and we can order something.”

She was dumbfounded at his authority. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

He was already standing and pulling on his shorts. “I mean, if you want to walk around naked, more power to you. It'll be your fault when I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

She huffed out a breath. She almost stayed naked just to spite him but pulled the damn shirt over her head in the end. She wasn’t sure why she used his shirt when she had her own strewn around the room, but once the shirt was on and she could smell him on it, she decided this was better than her clothes any day of the week.

“Yeah, that’s not much better. Now I just want to rip my shirt off you.”

“Don't be a neanderthal.” Secretly she loved it and wanted him to keep doing it. What was happening to her?

He pinned her with a look, saying nothing.

She shook her head to clear the lust he was putting off. “What do you want to eat?”

“I usually like to carb up after a game. Pasta with chicken or something like that.”

“There’s a great Italian place around the corner that will deliver here.” She found her phone, pulled up the website, passing the phone to him. “Pick something, and I’ll order it.”

While he perused the menu, she went around the room, picking up a few things. In her work life and home life, she was meticulous that everything had a place. When she traveled, it was a totally different story. She let loose and left things everywhere and never cleaned up after herself.

“I never would have guessed that you were messy.” She turned her head to face him at the sound of his voice.

“I guess we both have secrets.” As soon as the words were out, she regretted them. “I shouldn’t have said that. Shit.”

He shrugged. “You didn’t say anything that’s not true. We all have our secrets.”

“But that was an asshole thing to say, and my messiness is not even comparable to what you go through.” She needed to learn to keep her mouth shut sometimes. At the same time, she wanted to ask him more about his panic attacks and why he had them.

“You can ask. If you want to know more about them.”

Somehow he’d read her thoughts. “I don’t want to pry, and it’s none of my business.” Both were true statements, but they did not help her curiosity.

He shrugged again, looking somehow younger. She could imagine him as a little boy shrugging at his mom when she asked him a question. “I just had my dick inside you. I think you’re allowed to ask a few questions about me.”

“Crude, but not untrue.” She threw the clothes she’d picked up into her suitcase and then sat on the bed. “Let me order the food, and then we can talk.” Talking was not a good idea. Getting to know him was even less so. She was already in deep, and this would only make it worse.

She was starting not to care.