No one will ever take her away from me again.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Ronan is here.

My mind whispers like it’s a chant, and I let it lull me as I feel the slightly bumpy movement of the boat.

I slip my arms around Ronan and keep my face buried in the dip of his neck.

Freedom at last.

I went through all of that just because the Evil Nerd’s men made a mistake, kidnapping me instead of Sofia Ferreri. What does he even want with her?

He definitely has a plan, and even my freedom feels like a step in the direction of that plan.

“Easy, baby,” Ronan strokes my cheek soothingly, the one that heavy, brutal hand smacked twice. “You are safe now.”

I can’t say how long we remained on the boat, but as I feel my body being lifted and Ronan moving, I shake out of a slumber.

I must have fallen asleep in his arms feeling the soothing strokes he was peppering my skin with. I love his lazy strokes. He has a way of easing my nerves.

I keep my eyes screwed tightly and let Ronan carry me. When I open them, I see him standing in front of a door.

“Bath time,” Ronan announces as he carts me in his arms.

“Where are we?” I slur.

“My ship,” he turns on the faucet.

I eye the simplicity yet grandness of the white bathroom and allow myself to be taken care of as Ronan helps me undress and continues to help me wash up.

He is tender and completely devoted to taking care of my body.

He carries me in his arms out of the bathroom and into a vast gold and blue bedroom. I also notice the thick navy-blue velvet curtains on all the walls, hiding the view of the sea.

“You remembered?” I ask as he goes over to a drawer and returns with a cream sweater.

“Yes, of course,” he pulls me to himself. I flip to wrap both my arms and legs around him, and then he scoots us both to the headrest, “Stay Olivia, never leave me again, stay with me forever,” he presses a kiss on my neck.

“Forever?” I tilt my head to look into his eyes. “That’s a long time, you know?”

He shakes his head, “That’s scarcely enough.”

“You are into poetry now, Irish boy?” I smile softly.

“I’m into anything that involves you,” he nibbles my lower lip. “You hear that, Olivia Delgado?” He nibbles my upper lip now. “You are my woman, and we are doing this for as little time as forever gives us.”

I keep watching his lips as he speaks the words that send me joyfully over the moon. The right thing to do is kiss him.

So I kiss him, urgently.

Our tongues lock. Our bodies meld. And soon enough, his shirt and my towel are gone. Then he is cusping one of my breasts as I help him with the zip of his dress pants. He kisses me all over, moving from my lips downward while lifting me with a firm grip on one butt cheek., allowing me to circle the head of his length around the opening of my sex.

He flips me over on my back and slams into me.

Then he slows down, thrusting inside of me with sweet, firm strokes. His mouth comes to cover mine as he thrusts us both into a climax.