I’m spiraling, but the instant I see a cart being pushed inside, my paranoia quiets down.


I breathe.

It’s just food.

I eye the gold cart with the gold dishes. A nice way to delude me into thinking I’m not a prisoner.

The door is closed again now.

I stand from the bed, the sight of the food eliciting a growling sound from my stomach. I feel hungrier now than I did some seconds ago, and I hate that seeing food does that to me.

I hate that I’m faced with this weakness that I cannot get away from. If I were in my apartment, I would eat before I let my hunger drive me into eating more than I should.

I have learned to keep my hunger under control, but right now, I feel starved—the same feeling I used to have when my relationship with food was more challenging. It feels like going back there, and it doesn’t help that I feel like I’m being watched.

I scowl at the cart, taking a step closer.

It’s tempting, and I feel my blood tickling in my veins.

I like food. I like that it nourishes. But I hate the fact that it also evokes memories from my past in situations like this.

I stop beside the cart. The gold cover glints and reflects my image, but it is not me, the twenty-seven-year-old Olivia I see. It’s the high school Olivia, clutching the strawberry cream cake she made when the class was asked to showcase their talent to her chest.

It was all I knew.

My mind and world revolved around food.

I never thought anything else could be as beautiful as food.

“You made a cake for a talent showcase?” Aria, the dime piece of the class, snorts at me as I set my cake on my desk, waiting for the bell of the showcase to be rung.

I don’t lift my eyes to look at her or any of the other kids standing around my desk.

“The fat pig made some fat food to feed her fat belly,” James lowers his head to whisper in my ear, and I shiver, partly because I hate his weed-thickened voice but also because he stinks.

No one is talking about the fact that he always smells like weed. Everyone thinks he is cool, but just because I don’t look as slim as they think I should, I’m the weird one.

Maybe I am the weird one.

Sandra made a dress for a gala with paper bags, Khan made a robot, James made a wicker clock, and I made a cake.

Just cake.

“Can we have some cake?” Aria pokes my head with her fingers, “No?” She makes a sorry tone before smacking my head, “Why won’t you give me some cake?” She smacks harder this time.

“She is selfish,” Henry grips me by the chin and lifts chin so my eyes meet his.

I clench my teeth to suck my tears in. I have had to deal with until we finish high school.

I won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me break again.

I wanted to avoid them, so I came into the classroom to hide away from the main hall where the talent show would be held.

I sniff, my eyes skimming from the blonde Henry with his mean charcoal eyes. Lanky James, dark hair and pale green eyes. Aria, the Queen Bee, brunette bangs, a true beauty. And the minions behind her who carry out her every bidding.

“You don’t want to share?” Henry chuckles, “What do you want to share, then?”