His son.
His wife.
Were they still alive?
How could I warn them that Victor was coming?
How could I stop all of this because I couldn’t stay here. She couldn’t stay here. None of those jewels, new or old, could stay anywhere near this nightmare.
My body quaked and rattled.
My mind refractured and reformed.
I’d been searching for validation in all the wrong places, in all the worst people, but now…I knew what I had to do.
I knew what was worth fighting for, dying for…her.
Always, forever her.
Pressing my lips to her ear so the cameras couldn’t hear, I whispered, “That’s the last time he’ll ever lay a finger on you. You have my absolute vow.”
Sucking in a breath, she pulled back and caught my eyes.
Cupping her cheeks, I tucked blue-black hair behind her ears. “Ce qui reste de ma vie sans valeur est à toi et tu peux en faire ce que tu veux. Je ne m'attends pas à ce que tu me pardonnes. Je sais que tu ne feras jamais plus que me détester mais… j'en ai fini.” (What’s left of my worthless life is yours to do with as you please. I don’t expect you to forgive me. I know you’ll never do more than hate me, but…I’m done.)
The final dregs of the ocean inside me ebbed and sloshed as I hugged her again.
A simple hug.
My ultimate undoing.
I didn’t know if I wanted to live or die, but I did know this woman now owned me.
I would lay down my life for her.
I would do whatever it took to get her free.
Sucking in a haggard breath, I pulled back.
Tears tracked her cheeks.
Her sadness merged with mine.
For once in my life, I had no desire to drink her grief. No sick urge to taste.
Our despair splashed together, binding, baptising.
I couldn’t look away.
My heart didn’t just burst wide open; it threw itself onto a pyre and burned.
“Ily…” I shook my head at the weight of it. “Ily…”
Her tears dripped faster. A smile tugged her lips. “So you do remember how to say my name.”
“I love you,” I breathed.
She stiffened. “Yes, that’s what it means—”