Page 36 of Royal Twist

I had to be careful with how much information I gave her. If I told her too much or where I was, it would most likely get back to August. My parents are his biggest fans and would love nothing more than to see us back together. In fact, I would not be surprised one bit if he were the one who got her to call me.

“It’s not important, Mother,” I answered. “What’s important is that I’m safe and just taking some much-needed relaxation time with my best friend.”

There was a pause on the other end. “You know, Veronica, you should really give August another chance.”

“And there it is, Mother. I’m surprised it took you so long to bring up the subject.” I bit my lip, frustration bubbling up. “Are you sure you and Father are not secretly negotiating with Queen Annabelle for another arranged marriage?”

“I’ve already told you that the answer is no—I don’t even remember the last time I spoke with August’s mother,” she said firmly. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you two to be together. Imagine the family you could create together.”

I couldn’t help but agree, but that wasn’t a reason to be with someone.

“Mother, this isn’t about having babies. It’s about my happiness, what I want, and what’s best for me.”

“Sometimes what’s best for you isn’t immediately obvious,” she said. “If I hadn’t given your father a second chance, we wouldn’t be married, and you wouldn’t be here.”

“Mother, I appreciate your advice,” I said, pondering her words. “But I need to figure this out on my own.”

“I understand, darling,” she said, her tone warm. “Just remember, love is worth fighting for.”

We said our goodbyes, then I turned to Daphne and asked, “Why did you answer the phone?”

“When the Queen of Kastonia calls, I pick up,” she said.

I respected that and disliked it at the same time.

Sighing, my thoughts were a whirlwind as I handed her back her phone. “Luckily, she doesn’t know where we are, so we’re safe. More importantly, that means August doesn’t know.”

After we paid the bill, the waiter returned a few minutes later and set two drinks on our table with a smile. “Compliments of the two gentlemen at the bar. Two Royal Twists.”

My suspicion radar vibrated like crazy.

Daphne glanced down at her drink. “What’s in a Royal Twist?”

“Crown Royal Canadian Whisky, grenadine, a splash of pineapple juice, a dash of bitters, and garnished with a twist of orange zest for extra zing. Enjoy,” the server answered, then walked away.

I turned to Daphne as my paranoia kicked into high gear. “I’ve only had one Royal Twist in my life, and it was with August at the agricultural conference we went to in Toronto. Glance over at the bar and look at the two guys. If it’s August and Caleb, I’m going to make a run for it.”

I crossed my fingers that it was just a coincidence.

“Relax—they have no clue where we are,” Daphne said with a chuckle as she swiveled in her seat. She paused, scanning, then turned back with a smirk. “I’ve got good news and bad news.”

“Give me the good news first,” I prompted.

“They’re not European princes,” she confirmed.

I let out a breath of relief. “And the bad news?”

She grimaced. “Two macho men with enough testosterone to fuel a rocket ship are waltzing this way, looking like they want to hit on us.”

I blinked twice when I saw them both clad in outrageously tight floral shirts that clashed with their neon shorts and matching Crocs.

“Well, well, well,” the taller one with a dubious mustache said, giving us a wink that was slimier than his hair. “Just when we thought there was nothing prettier than the sunset, we found the real view right here. I’m Denny.”

His sidekick puffed out his chest and chimed in, “And I’m Kenny.”

“Thanks for the drinks,” I said flatly, hoping to cut this short.

“Oh, don’t mention it!” Denny said. “And what might your names be?”