Page 32 of Royal Twist

I gave her a nod before stepping away from the reception desk and turning to Caleb with a frown. “Looks like we need to do more digging.”

“We know she was at the spa and the bar during happy hour, for starters,” he said. “Let’s start with the employees there.”

“Good idea,” I said.

Our first stop was the spa, where the morning staff was just setting up and starting their day. We asked a few discreet questions, but no one seemed aware of any plans made by Veronica and Daphne. Either that, or they had been instructed to always keep their conversations with clients private, which was understandable. With no leads there, we headed to the bar. It was empty, given the early hour, but an employee from the previous day was walking by. I remember seeing him talking to Veronica while I had been ordering drinks. I tried to stop him before he disappeared around the corner.

“Hey, good to see you again,” I called out.

He stopped, then turned toward me with a smile. “And you as well. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Do you remember talking with my friend in the bar last night? Gorgeous woman, short hair, brown eyes?”

“Of course. She was admiring the Shangani Beach painting over there, and we had a brief chat,” he said, pointing to the vibrant artwork hanging on the wall.

I glanced over at the painting. “I can see why—it’s a beautiful piece.”

“I agree, although it doesn’t compare to the real Shangani Beach,” he said.

I nodded. “I’m sure you’re right. I’m curious if my friend, Veronica, talked about any travel plans? We’re trying to figure out where we want to visit next, but there are so many options, it is literally mind-boggling. I want to surprise her by planning to visit a place she’d love to go to.”

The employee shook his head. “I’m sorry, she did not mention anything, but I would recommend talking to our travel concierge near the front desk. She is always happy to share excursion options with our guests.”

“That is a great suggestion, thank you,” I said, even though I knew Veronica and Daphne did not go on an excursion since they had checked out.

“Always a pleasure,” he said, turning to walk away.

Caleb sighed. “Another dead end.”

“It appears so, unless that’s a clue on the wall.” I glanced back at the painting. “Where exactly is Shangani Beach? It’s random, but you never know, it could be a lead.”

Caleb pulled out his phone, scrolled, then said, “It says here that Shangani Beach is in Stone Town.”

“Never heard of it.”

“Zanzibar,” he added.

I pulled out my phone and did my own search, scrolling through some tourist sites, trying to find out more information. “The Zanzibar Archipelago is a group of islands off the coast of mainland Tanzania. Looks like an interesting place.”

“It’s known as the playground to the stars,” Caleb said. “Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Naomi Campbell, and Tom Cruise all frequent Zanzibar.” He glanced up at me. “Do you think Veronica and Daphne could have gone there?”

I shrugged. “Maybe not. It could be a little too touristy for them, and Veronica would certainly want to keep a low profile. Even if they went there, it would be difficult to find them on an island with so many hotels. I think we need a much more solid lead than just a painting of a beach. Let’s go grab some breakfast while we figure out what to do next.”

On the main deck, Caleb and I loaded our plates with food from the continental buffet. Just as we turned to choose a place to sit, Sabrina and Simon waved us over.

“Good morning,” I said, taking a seat next to her. “Beautiful day.”

Sabrina popped up out of her chair and did an awkward bow, bumping into the side of the table. “Good to see you, Your Highnesses.”

Simon reached over to rescue the salt shaker before it fell off the table.

I took a sip of my coffee and chuckled. “I appreciate the effort, but as I told you last night at dinner, please, there’s no need to be so formal.”

She grimaced. “Sorry—it’s like my body just does it on its own, an uncontrollable reflex, now that I know you’re royalty. I’ll work on it. Mind over matter.”

“Informal is good for me, and especially my back,” Simon said with a chuckle. “Where are the ladies?”

“That’s what we are trying to find out,” I said. “They checked out last night while we were eating, and we have no idea where they went.”