Page 26 of Royal Twist

“Pack your bags,” I said firmly. “We’re leaving.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “We just got here, Veronica! Where are we going now?”

“I’ll figure that out later,” I said.

“I don’t get it,” Daphne said. “What’s the hurry? You loved the safari! You were like a little kid when you saw the elephants.”

I shook my head, my resolve hardening. “I just can’t do this. Being around him, it’s too much.”

Daphne looked at me with a knowing smile. “It’s not like he’s pressuring you into anything. He’s just trying to make things right. What’s wrong with that?”

I sighed. “Some mistakes change the course of things forever, and there is no amount of good intention that can undo that kind of hurt.”

“Come on—I seriously doubt the hurt is still there,” Daphne said. “This is your fear talking. Admit it.”

I sighed. “I never denied that it wasn’t, but let’s be honest, the only reason he’s trying so hard is because he needs a queen, and it’s much easier for him to marry one he already knows. I don’t want to be something a man needs. I want to be something he wants. There’s a big difference.” I gestured to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower. And just so we’re clear, I will not change my mind about this. We’re leaving.”

“You’re stubborn,” Daphne said.

“I’m cautious. Let’s get moving.” I turned to pull together some fresh clothes, then spotted a small white envelope resting on my bed. “Wait, what’s that?”

Daphne glanced over at my bed, then over to hers. “I have one, too.”

I walked over and picked up the envelope that had “Nasaro Spa” printed on the outside. Inside, there was an appointment card for a facial and massage, compliments of August. The gesture was grand, typical of him really, trying to win me over with his thoughtful actions.

“Well, this definitely makes up for the dreadful hour we had to wake up at this morning,” Daphne said. “See how hard he’s trying? We can’t leave now. I could use some pampering.”

“No,” I said. “We need to go.”

She shrugged. “Fine. You can go without me.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “Seriously?”

“Yes!” Daphne said.

“Now, who’s stubborn?”

She grinned. “Me. Look—you could use some pampering as well. And August will not be there, if that’s what you’re worried about. You heard him, he and Caleb are going to shower and relax in their tent until dinner. He already paid for this. The least we can do is not let it go to waste. I really need some spa time. Come on! We can leave tomorrow. This will give us time to plan better without rushing.”

I blew out a frustrated breath, thinking about it, my mind focused on the strings attached to such kind gestures. “Just because August arranged this doesn’t mean anything’s changed between us.”

“I’m okay with that!” Daphne said. “Does that mean you’re coming?”

I sighed. “Fine. I still need to take a shower.”

“Yes!” Daphne said, pumping her fist in the air.

After we both showered and slipped into a fresh set of clothes, we walked over to the Nasaro Spa. Nestled near the valley floor, it offered a secluded spot away from the camp’s main tent, with panoramic views of the surrounding bush. The serene atmosphere was inviting, soothing my senses before we even began our treatments.

After our wonderful massages, we moved to a different area for our facials, where, unfortunately, the topic of relationships surfaced again.

“I think life is too short for what-ifs, Veronica,” Daphne said, her voice relaxed yet serious. “August has made mistakes, but he traveled a long way to make amends. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“It’s not just about what he wants or needs,” I said softly as the esthetician applied the finishing touches to my mask. “It’s about what I can handle. And right now, I’m not sure being the queen of Verdana is a good fit. The International Grain Coalition is my passion project, and I don’t want to give it up.” I waved it off. “Anyway, as I said before, let’s not talk about him. What about you? Is my brother getting on your nerves yet? The man can be relentless.”

To my surprise, Daphne chuckled and said, “He’s harmless. He just needs to dial it back a notch, because nothing is going to happen between us. I’ll admit he’s cute, but there’s no way I’m going to go out with a man who is younger than me.”

“You make it sound like an enormous gap. It’s just ten years. When you’re fifty, he’ll be forty. When you’re seventy, he’ll be sixty?—”