Page 22 of Royal Twist

August glanced over at me. “You okay?”

I nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

He was still watching me, but I pretended not to notice.

After witnessing August’s brave actions, I faced a new fear: my feelings returning, which was a wild animal in itself. I knew I had to try harder to distance myself. If I didn’t, the fortress I’d built to protect my heart might crumble, risking a renewal of pain I couldn’t bear when he broke it again. I had to disentangle myself from the situation before it was too late. And I knew just what I had to do.

Chapter Six

Prince August

Sitting next to Veronica in the safari cruiser, I caught myself watching her almost as much as the scenery. Though we occasionally shared the excitement over the wildlife sightings, those moments were tinged with a guardedness from her whenever we made eye contact or brushed against each other. I focused on appreciating our time together and being patient, hoping all would work out in the end. The truth was, I did not know if she would give me another chance, but I certainly would not give up so easily.

As Nakul navigated a rugged patch of terrain, our attention shifted to a tower of giraffes dining on the tops of acacia trees. Their elegant necks and deliberate movements were mesmerizing.

“Beautiful creatures, aren’t they?” I said, hoping to draw Veronica into a gentle conversation.

“They’re so graceful,” she said, her eyes wide with delight.

Daphne lightened the mood and said, “Watching them eat is making me hungry. Anyone else feeling peckish?”

“I was just thinking the same thing!” Sabrina said with a laugh. “All this fresh air and excitement build up quite an appetite.”

“Good timing,” Nakul announced as he steered the vehicle along a familiar trail winding back towards camp. “We’re heading to a special spot back near the safari camp for our picnic lunch. It’s set up in the bush, perfectly safe, with some of the best views you can imagine. It’s ready and waiting for us.”

Sabrina clapped her hands. “I can’t wait!”

Not long after that, we rounded a bend, and there it was, a picturesque clearing shaded by tall acacia trees, where two camp employees were busy arranging what looked to be a lavish picnic setup.

“Here we are,” Nakul announced with a smile, gesturing toward the beautifully laid-out picnic table under the shade of the trees.

As we stepped out of the safari cruiser into the tranquil setting, my thoughts of a peaceful lunch were abruptly shattered when Veronica screamed.

Instinct kicked in—I didn’t pause to consider whether it was a snake or a scorpion. Her safety was my only concern. In one fluid motion, I scooped her up and sprinted away from the perceived danger.

“Put me down, August! What are you doing?!” Veronica yelled.

It was typical behavior from her, always fiercely independent, even when challenges or potential danger lurked. But her protests didn’t deter me one bit. I was on a mission to get her to safety. Nothing else mattered.

“Stop wiggling!” I barked.

“Stop running!” she commanded.

“Stop yelling!” I shot back, confident we were a safe distance away, before I gently set her down. “Are you okay? Did something bite you?”

She looked at me with a mixture of astonishment and irritation. “Have you lost your mind?”

I held up my hands in defense, still trying to catch my breath. “What? I was just trying to help you. Are you telling me you’re okay?”

“I am perfectly fine!” She brushed off her clothes, still eyeing me skeptically. “I screamed because a lizard ran over my foot, not a lion! I was momentarily startled, but then I realized it was just a harmless reptile. I didn’t want nor need your help.”

“How was I supposed to know that?” I retorted as we walked back to the group. “You screamed as if the apocalypse was upon us!”

Veronica crossed her arms. “Oh please, I hardly made a sound.”

“Hardly? You could have shattered one of those glass bottles on the picnic table with that pitch!” I joked.

She was about to continue defending herself, but then suddenly snort-laughed, which prompted the entire group to laugh with her.