Page 63 of Royal Twist

Caleb laughed, brushing off my tone. “Relax. Abena saved us front-row seats. Besides, we’ve got plenty of time. Hey, check that out!” He dragged me over to a booth displaying a high-tech refrigeration system that was almost as large as a city bus. “Maybe I could use this to keep my beer cold at the palace.”

Normally, I’d laugh at something like that, but today, my nerves were as tight as piano strings.

“Do you think I did the right thing, telling Veronica everything?” I asked, wondering if it was wise to ask a guy ten years younger than me for relationship advice.

Caleb clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Absolutely. She’s processing the information, remember? That’s what she does. When I was born, she told my parents she needed time to ‘process’ having a little brother. She was ten!”

That made me chuckle. I loved that analytical side of Veronica, no doubt. I loved everything about her, even all the way down to her little quirks that made absolutely no sense.

“Give her space,” Caleb added. “She’s done running, believe me.”

Weaving through the expo, we passed right through the food area, which was surprisingly busy already, considering it was still a couple of hours away from my normal lunchtime.

“I need some of that!” Caleb said, pointing to the vendor selling baklava.

Where did he get all his energy from?

The man didn’t even drink coffee.

“How do you have any room?” I asked. “You ate more than me for breakfast.”

He paid for the baklava and turned to me with a grin. “Nothing wrong with a mid-morning snack, right?” Unwrapping it, he held it in my direction. “Care for a bite?”

I shook my head. “No, thanks.”

He grinned and said, “Good, more for me.”

A few minutes later, we entered the grand pavilion and found Daphne already seated in the front row next to the two empty reserved seats. Abena was off to the side of the stage, reviewing her notes. It looked as though they were getting ready to start the program, with just about every seat taken.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” Caleb greeted Daphne, his voice dripping with charm as he sat down beside her.

“Good morning, handsome,” she said with a smile, then wiggled her nose. “You smell like baklava.”

He feigned innocence, licking his fingers. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I leaned forward, then turned toward Daphne. “How’s Veronica doing? I guess she told you what we talked about last night after dinner.”

“She told me,” Daphne nodded, her voice soft. “She’s fine. Just give her a little time, August. She’s processing it all.”

Caleb grinned and nudged me with his shoulder. “What did I tell you? She’s my sister. That’s what she does!”

Abena stepped onto the stage, her presence commanding the room. “Welcome to the Cairo AG Expo!” she announced. “Today, we have a very special agriculture panel lined up for you, featuring some of the top experts in the field.”

One by one, she introduced the panelists, each name met with applause. When it was Veronica’s turn, I couldn’t help myself—I cheered so loud she glanced our way, a half-smile playing on her lips.

That smile, even a slight one, calmed my worries, if only for a moment.

The session flew by, and Veronica was a standout, handling complex questions with the ease of a seasoned professional. Watching her, I felt an immense pride swell within me. She belonged on stages like this, sharing her knowledge, leading discussions that could change the world for the better.

Afterward, Veronica mingled briefly with attendees who were eager to speak with her and take selfies, then she made her way over to us.

“You were amazing,” Caleb said, hugging her.

“I agree,” Daphne said, wrapping her up in a tight hug.

I nodded. “You were like a total pro up there. You nailed it.”

I wasn’t sure if I was overstepping my bounds by hugging her since I told her I would give her some space, but I could not stop myself. Luckily, she didn’t resist, then met my gaze steadily and thanked me. It was a good sign, no avoidance, no hesitation.