Page 50 of Royal Twist

The officer nodded. “Yes, and I am sorry for the inconvenience. We’ve had our fair share of tourists and investors who are trying to make Zanzibar a party island, like Ibiza in Spain. We’re just trying to do what we can to keep our culture and traditions intact.”

Daphne was a big fan of Ibiza, with the countless clubs, bars, and world-class DJs. It was much too high energy for my taste, so I understood his reservations.

“We would appreciate it very much if you do not make an international incident out of this,” he added. “It’s the first time we have arrested royalty for indecent exposure. Actually, it’s the first time we have ever arrested a prince.”

“I think it’s best for everyone involved to just forget this ever happened,” August replied diplomatically with a chuckle before shaking the man’s hand. “I accept your apology, and rest assured, your secret is safe with me.”

“You’re much too kind, Your Highness,” the officer said, handing August a Stone Town Souvenirs bag. “I took the liberty of getting you some new clothes from the shop next door, my way of trying to make amends. I hope they fit.”

I grinned. “Anything is better than a towel.”

“Good point,” he said, finally smiling for the first time since I had walked in. He pointed to the door on his left. “You can change in there. It’s our cleanest bathroom.” He winked. “Usually just for staff.”

“Thank you,” August said, slipping into the room, then coming out a couple of minutes later wearing flip-flops, green and brown plaid shorts, and a white Zanzibar T-shirt. “How do I look?”

August would look good in a soggy paper bag, but I wasn’t about to share that with him.

“That works,” I simply said, then handed him his wallet. “By the way, I had to use money from your wallet to pay for the tuk-tuk since I didn’t have my purse at the beach.”

August nodded. “Not a problem. That’s what it’s there for.”

“And I saw the picture,” I blurted out.

“Oh …” He nodded, looking deep in thought.

I shrugged. “I guess I was surprised you still had it. That was a long time ago.”

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” August said. “Which reminds me, we need to talk. I have a confession, something you really need to know. I tried to tell you in the ocean, but then we were interrupted by the dolphin.”

“This is probably not the best place for that—we’ll have time later,” I said. “I do have an interesting fact for you, though. That dolphin is well-known in Stone Town. His name is Mwizi, which means ‘thief’ in Swahili.”

August chuckled. “How fitting.” He gestured toward the front door. “We should probably get out of here before they book us for something else.”

“We wouldn’t want that,” I said with a smile, then, without really thinking, I stood on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. “And thank you.”

He blinked twice, looking completely surprised. “For what?”

“You went to jail for me, August,” I said. “Not a lot of men would do that for a woman.”

He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Well, I may just have to find more ways for you to get into trouble so I can save the day and earn another kiss.”

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t suppress a smile. “Keep dreaming.”

As we walked out of the police station, August seemed to have a bounce in his step, like maybe he believed he was making progress and slowly breaking down the walls around my heart.

Without a doubt, he was.

But as we headed back to the hotel, I couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said as we left the police station.

I have a confession, something you really need to know.

For him to tell me twice, it must have been something very important. I only hoped it wouldn’t be the kind of news that would make me put my guard back up again.

Chapter Fourteen

Prince August

Laughter rang out around our table at the Zanzibar Night Market in Forodhani Gardens as I recounted the day’s chaos, the story bringing everyone to hysterical tears while we ate dinner.