"But now that I have seen the two of you together, and because I cannot but think this is a work of God, to have Cha-Cha of all people become your wife..." Sandra reached up to cup her son's face. "Listen to me, Philippe. I know you hate being given advice, and I know that has much to do with your father, but if you are to ever listen to me just once, then let it be this moment. Get rid of Greta before it is too late."

Philippe was prevented from replying with Charlee-Mae walking back in, and Sandra quickly moved away before her daughter-in-law could be made to think something was amiss.

"I'm back!" Charlee-Mae sent an apologetic smile to Sandra. "I'm sorry I had to leave—-"

"Non, non, I completely understand. All is well with your sister-in-law?"

"She thinks it's so me to have this kind of accident—-"

Sandra laughed. "It is."


"But I mean it in a good way, ma fille," the older woman reassured her. "No matter what trouble you run into, you always find a way to look at things positively. It is why I love watching your vlogs."

"Aww, Maman, you're making me blush—-"

Sandra's shoulders started to shake as she suddenly remembered one of Cha-Cha's vlogs. "How can I do that when that man with a huge package—-"

"Maman!" Philippe could not believe he had heard his mother - his church-going, ultra-conservative mother - had just uttered such a thing.

Sandra could not help laughing at her son's visible discomfort. "Oh, relax, mon fils."

His wife was laughing as well. "The package thing is an inside joke."

Philippe was starting to wonder whether he had married a stand-up comedienne.

“A few months ago, I went on a date with a guy from Tinder—-"

"And the man's English was terrible," Sandra recalled.

"Very terrible," Charlee-Mae added, and as she and her mother-in-law looked at each other, it was as if their words called the same memory to mind, and both women started laughing again.

"The f-first thing he said—-" Charlee-Mae was barely able to speak between giggles. "—-was that he might make me blush because—-"

"He had a huge package for you," Sandra cried out.

"But it really was just a package!"

Charlee-Mae and Sandra turned to Philippe, thinking that he would join in their laughter, but when they saw the all-too-pleasant expression on his handsome face—-

Charlee-Mae quickly turned her laugh into a cough while Sandra checked her watch and feigned shock at the time.

"Please." Philippe's voice was silky. "Don't stop at my expense. I'd love to know more about this other man my wife was dating."

Sandra pretended not to hear anything. "Oh dear. I'm late for my next appointment." She turned to Charlee-Mae. "I'm sorry, my dear. I have to go."

Charlee-Mae was starting to feel nervous at how Philippe was still looking at her. "Don't leave me, please?"

Sandra pretended not to hear this as well, and instead turned to her son. "Will you walk me to the lift, mon fils?"

"Bien sûr, Maman." Philippe turned to his wife. "And when I come back, we shall talk about packages—-"

"But there's really no need," Charlee-Mae said earnestly. "It's only your package I care about! Your package is—-"

Philippe swiftly ushered his mother out of the room and closed the door before Sandra could hear any other things about his package.

"Your wife is so adorable, Philippe."