Charlee-Mae barely managed to grab hold of the covers, and as soon as she felt his tongue run down her swollen, quivering folds, she bit hard into the thick layer of cotton...and screamed. It was all she could do, just scream and scream and scream as her husband did more than taste her pussy. He was practically devouring it, and oh God, oh God—-

A convulsing wave of pleasure slammed into her body, and Charlee-Mae once again started to cum—-

Oh my Lord.

—-and keep cumming and cumming, with Philippe triggering another orgasm as he suddenly thrust his tongue in between the still-quivering folds of her flesh.

When Charlee-Mae woke, the first thing she noticed was how comfortably warm she a pair of velvet pajamas that she could not recall changing into. And when she turned to her side, it was to see her beautiful husband seated next to her bed, and a grimace twisting over his features as soon as their gazes met.

"Je suis navré," Philippe apologized stiffly. "I did not mean to make you pass out—-" He broke off at his wife's soft laugh.

"If sex is always like that between us," she teased, "then please feel free to make me swoon every time."

Philippe's lips pressed together. "I am being serious, ma femme."

"So am I."

Her husband sighed. "No." But his voice was faintly humorous. "I can tell you are not."

His wife laughed, and Philippe, in spite of everything, could not keep his lips from twitching in response. What was it about this woman that made her so different?


His phone started to ring in his pocket just as she murmured his name. Since it was presently programmed to only allow certain calls, Philippe knew it was something he had to answer. But for the first time in years - the first time since his brother had died, actually - he chose to ignore the demands of work and focused...on his wife.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?"

Her cheeks turned a becoming shade of pink, albeit curious as well, and then she was suddenly reaching for his hand, and Philippe's entire body clenched as Charlee-Mae's lips gently pressed against his knuckles.

"Je t'aime."

Her French, even when she was uttering one of the most commonly known phrases of his native language, was still as horrible as ever, and yet at the same fucking time—-

The sound of it had somehow become precious, and it was why, even with his phone continuing to ring inside his pocket, Philippe heard himself say in return, "Je t'aime, mon coeur."

Chapter Five

Charlee-Mae was properly bundled up in several layers of winter clothing when she stepped out of the en-suite and caught the tail end of her husband's conversation. Concern filled her when she heard his grim tone, and she looked at him uncertainly as he ended the call. "Is everything okay?"

"Oui, bien sûr," he assured her. "Forgive the constant interruptions. Everyone in the company has been feeling the pressure of our launch."

"You don't look pressured, though."

He gave her a lazy smile. "It must be because of you."

She smiled back at him sweetly, saying, "I think so, too." The answer won her a laugh, and its sound was so, so sexy it made her toes curl hard. Thank You, Lord, for giving me the hottest husband ever!

Philippe turned to the balcony, and upon following his gaze, it was then she belatedly noticed that their lunch alfresco had already been set up.

"Oh my gosh!"

His wife's gleeful squeal could only be described as shrill, but strangely enough, Philippe found this adorable as well.

"I can't believe it!" Charlee-Mae was so excited, she was practically hopping from one foot to another. The weather outside was gorgeous, and the landscape even more so, with the snow-capped mountain peaks in the distance. "Can we go out now?"

"As long as you give me your word," he said strictly, "that you understand we can only be out for an hour."

"Um..." Charlee-Mae squirmed. Just an hour? Really?