“Oh shove it! Az told me you’ve known since Academy and you decided it was better to let me figure shit out on my own. How could you?”

I can’t help but laugh at her, knowing exactly what she means. The silly girl has been surrounded by her mates this whole time and never bothered to notice. Az wanted me to tell her as soon as the bond clicked in when she turned eighteen but I thought it was something she had to discover for herself. The gods have a way of doing things, of letting you learn things when the time is right.

“Come on Dalphine. You learned when you were meant to know. That isn’t my fault.”

Dallie rolls her eyes, putting me back on my feet, but throwing an arm around my shoulders as she leads me to the couch. The men follow us, all of them watching us with strange looks. I see Syrinox sign something and Dree smirks. Ahazu glares at the man and I’m a bit shocked that he knows the language and that he seems to be a bit pissed by whatever was said.

“I don’t think it's funny to say those types of things about my sister and my mate. I don’t know who you are, but the only reason you aren’t dead after what you said is because you came with Astra and Gynnie says you are important, but make no mistake.” Ahazu takes a step closer, his snow white magic circling his bare hands and his eyes narrowed on Syrinox. I have to admit that my heart beats a bit faster and true fear clouds my mind, my heart torn between the two men as I watch Ahazu draw closer. “If you make another comment like that, especially when I know my twin doesn’t know the sign yet, then I may just forget what my familiar said and kill you myself.”

The new man, Elizis, wraps his arms around Ahazu’s chest, holding him back as he leans down to whisper something in his ear. Boo chuckles, but stares at Syrinox with narrowed eyes, clearly as pissed as my brother, but hiding it better. I’m not entirely sure what to do in this situation. I don’t know what was said, and I don’t want to seem like I’m picking sides. I know that it’s up to me to ease the tension.

“Little brother, it seems you have something to teach me tonight. If my new friend is saying some unsavory things, I think I should know his language. Come on everyone. Sit down and we can all take some time to get to know one another.”

Bowman chooses that moment to walk out of the hall with trays of drinks and snacks hovering behind him. He smiles widely at us all and bows at the waist, always proper that one. He waits to be acknowledged before raising from his bow. I don’t say anything, just jump up to throw my arms around him and hug him tight. He left with his son to do a fourth honeymoon with his wife and just got back. It took over a year to convince him he should go and I would be fine alone. I just hope he didn’t notice I replaced the pans in the house after burning them all so badly.

Bowman pats my back, the closest thing to a hug he will give me, but it makes me smile anyways. He is so different from his son, the dichotomy is hilarious. Boo is so out there, funny and mischievous, just like what typical nightmares are. Bowman is mixed with brownie blood, and he has more of their characteristics than that of a nightmare.

“Mistress and Master Morningdew, I’d like to formally give my resignation. Boo will be taking over as caretaker of the house given his newly acknowledged relationship to the master and Mistress Kari. It has been a pleasure to serve the house of Morningdew and I do hope that we remain close friends and you give me the pleasure of sticking around to see your children grow and thrive when they come around.”

Tears well in my eyes, but I smile at him regardless. “Of course, Bowman. You are family. Even if Boo moves into the main house, you and Tyunie will always be welcome to keep your home. I’d be offended if you left.”

He smiles back at me and wraps me in a proper hug. Ahazu smiles at me from over Bowman’s shoulder and I can’t help thinking that this is the start of a major change in my life. Change has never been something I handle well, but I guess I have no choice now. Bowman retiring, Ahazu getting all of his mates, and my supposed mates showing up … All of it is new and terrifying, but Astrate Morningdew isn’t scared of anything. I’m strong enough to handle anything the gods throw at me and keep going. I just pray to the Goddess that I can keep going with my heart intact.

Bowman leaves shortly after that, giving Boo a warm hug and instructions to come see his mother in the morning. Ahazu stole my spot on the couch, sitting between Dallie and Elizis with Boo sitting in front of them on the floor, his shoulders resting on Dallie and Az’s knees. Az is holding Dallie’s hand, their bare skin touching and making me wonder once more what changed my brother’s mind about the gloves. Elizis is running his fingers through Az’s hair, a small smile on his face as he watches Syrinox sign fast, his face flushed a deeper blue.

The twins and Dree are all laughing, not even trying to hide their enjoyment of Syrinox trying to cover his ass with my brother. And I know whatever he said must have been good because Az keeps rolling his eyes.

“Whatever, just keep those thoughts to yourself or at the very least wait until I’ve left the room. And make sure she has a chance to be in on it and not hide behind her lack of knowledge. If she knew what you said, you wouldn’t have gotten a warning before she killed you, or at the very least kicked your ass. Who are you anyways? Why do you sign instead of speak?”

Now is a great time to start the conversation and get to know everyone a bit better. It seems like everyone in the room will be around for a while so it's better if we all get along at least a bit.

Chapter 9

Syrinox and Ahazu stare at each other, neither of them speaking. Finally, Dree rolls his eyes, moving up on the cushion he is sitting on and rests his elbows on his knees. His hands move, I think he is signing the words as he says them.

“Syrinox is a Siren, his mother is a sea witch that cursed him and his brother when they refused to join her wicked coven. He can’t make a noise unless he is using his magic, something he’s refused to do for many years.”

The druid ignores the scathing look Syrinox gives him, but I’m distracted by the fact that I'm supposedly destined to be mated to a living legend. In my classes at school, we learned that male sirens were once revered as gods. They are so rare that many people believe them just to be scary stories that people told their kids to keep them out of the water.

“Wait, your own mother cursed you?” Dallie asked, her face shocked and a bit sad.

Az put an arm around her shoulder, comforting his mate as Nox nodded his head, a hesitant look in his eyes. I lean against the wall, watching everyone in the room for their reactions. Dallie, never one to disappoint, keeps the mood from getting too serious, even with the heavy topic of discussion.

“Well fuck that bitch then. You don’t need her anyways, we can be your family now. And, if I may suggest something, you should totally get Astra to kill that cunt.”

Nox’s eyes fly to me, but I keep my face blank. Not giving away the fact that not only am I capable, but I’m a bit tempted. I would definitely not hesitate to introduce her to my dagger if I ever ran into her. I just don’t think it's anyone’s business right now. The Guild is supposed to be a secret, and sure, you can be an accomplished assassin and not be in the guild, but it's highly unlikely.

“So what about the rest of you?” Boo asks, ignoring the way Nox is still staring at me with hope and fear dancing in his gaze.

“Well, I’m a druid of the Ashford clan, we were once a thriving community, but we were all but wiped out by humans and their need to destroy this planet. Most of us that survived went to Faerie, but me and my sister stayed behind. She is mated to a vampire in our hometown.”

When Dree speaks, Elizis stares at him, his head tilted to the side as he studies the powerful man on the couch. The Ashfords’ are Druid royalty. Direct descendants of the Earth goddess Gaia. They are known for their strong earth magic and their ability to not only repel magic but read the magic of those around them. No doubt he knows how powerful everyone in the room is and what their magic is.

“Orenda. You’re Orenda’s traveling brother.” at the sound of the female’s name. Dree snaps his gaze to Elizis. It's the most serious expression I’ve seen on his face, and if it were aimed at me, I may be a bit cautious. All four of my … the other men are right there with him, ready and willing to kill if the strange man wished harm to the woman he is speaking of.

Elizis throws his hands up, sinking back into the couch and hiding behind Az a bit. I can’t help but smirk at that. Not that I want the man to fear my mates … Damn it, I give up, at least in my mind, I will refer to them as mine! Whatever, Az’s new mate is obviously not wanting to tussle with mine and he quickly explains.

“Orenda is mated to my father, the Vampire Crown Prince Zazis. She is a wonderful woman who taught me everything I know about Druid magic and healing. She is an amazing step mother and the whole kingdom loves her.”