Page 65 of Fate and Redemption

“That wasn’t true, though, was it? You had questions that didn’t have answers.”

“Of course, I did. Don’t we all?”

“We do. I do. All the time.” I paused. “Before all of this happened, I almost got sent to the Pit for breaking one of God’s rules. I’d do it again in a heartbeat, because I was doing what I thought was right. I was asking a question no one had an answer to.”

“You’re a Lightbringer. We were meant to rebel.”

“And as angels, we were made to serve.”

“I serve no one.”

“You’re right. But we do.”

“Who’s we?”

“All the angels down there, fearing for their lives. Even the angels who became demons. We’re all mortal now, Lucifer. Even you.” I shook my head. “We don’t want to die.”

“You should’ve thought of that before you decided to rise up against me.”

“I know. We should’ve known better. That’s why I’m up here—I came to give you something.”

“I hope you’re not about to tell me you came out here, risking your own immediate and hilarious destruction only to offer me your sympathies.”

“I’m a Lightbringer, I’m not stupid.”

“Then, what?”

I paused. “I came up here to offer our unconditional surrender.”


“Your… unconditional surrender?” asked Lucifer.

I nodded. “You heard me.”

“You’re telling me, every single angel and demon down in this bastion beneath us has agreed to surrender to me?” Lucifer slapped his thigh. “You got me! Ah! You’re trying to pull a fast one, aren’t you?”

“I’m not.”

“I’m the first bullshitter, Sarakiel. I think I’d know a bit of bullshit when I smell it.” He paused. “But on the off chance you’re telling the truth, what changed? Everybody down there hates me.”

I shrugged. “I talked to them. I told them what I’d been through and convinced them that fighting was pointless. You’re obviously going to win if we try to resist. Besides, what you said about other deities and their minions rising up to fill the vacuum God left behind really hit home.”

He lowered his eyes, unimpressed. “Really…”

“Really. I told you; we’re mortal now, and we don’t want to die either by your hands or by the hands of some pissed off other creature. I explained to them it was better for all of us to follow you and try to build a better Earth, with you in charge. That is what you want, right?”

“Right, right. Yeah. Of course.”

“You’d be surprised how convincing I can be,” I said. “And how reasonable everyone down there can be.”

Lucifer was having trouble believing my story. I could see it on his face. If I was going to sell this, it needed to hit him where it hurt; I needed to attack his weakness.

“This is a big pill to swallow,” he said. “I could be walking into a trap.”

“What trap could a bunch of angels and demons possibly spring on you? You’re Lucifer, the first angel, the Morningstar. I mean it, we surrender. If you don’t believe me, come down and see for yourself. Not a single one of us is armed.”

“Even if you were, it wouldn’t make a difference.”