The soup simmered on the stove while a candle I’d found under the sink burned on the counter. The laundry on the couch had been folded and was ready to be put away, and the toys in the boys’ rooms were somewhat organized. I’d even swept and mopped the floors.

I swung my arms back and forth, surveying the place. I’d done everything I could think of to keep myself busy.

So I pulled out my phone to text the girls.

I’m at Liam’s house.

Their responses came in immediately.

Calla: NAKED????

Calla: Wait, don’t tell me

Layla: What does this mean?

I don’t know. I folded his laundry and made him soup.

Rachel: What kind of underwear does he wear?

I don’t want to say.

Black boxer briefs.

Calla: EW STOP

Layla: Do you think you may want to look into…something more?


Not no. But not yes?

Rachel: Oh that is def a yes

Calla: Are we going to be sisters again?? *officially*

Please settle down.

Layla: You guys do make such wonderful babies….

Okay, they were no help.

I needed to find another task to keep my hands—and brain—busy.

Mentally, I went through each of the rooms. I’d gone through all but Liam’s and one more closed door past it. If this were a fairy tale, it would be the west wing. A little foreboding but curiosity-piquing at the same time.

Shuffling to the hallway, I craned my neck, peering at Liam’s door. It was still shut tight, and the house was silent.

What would it hurt? Besides, my sons lived here half the time. I had the right to know what Liam kept in the house, right? For safety reasons.

The knob was cool to the touch. Slowly, I turned it, and the door made a soft creaking noise as it opened. I didn’t know what I’d expected. A secret dungeon or a wizard room, maybe. At the very least a cavern full of junk to counteract just how perfectly organized the rest of the house was.

I was wrong. So wrong.

It was an office. An everyday, unbelievably ordinary, all gray and black office.


I took a step inside and perused the space. A simple black desk sat in the middle of the room, a matching chair behind it. There were bookshelves on either side, filled with mostly academic books and historical reads. A couple of finished Lego projects he and Luke had probably done with the boys on display. Incredibly anticlimactic.