Miles looked over his dad’s shoulder, up at me, for affirmation. It was hard for me to give, but I sank into it, giving a closed-mouth smile and a thumbs-up.

He sent one of each right back to me, then turned to Liam. “If I don’t like it, we can leave, right?”

Liam didn’t hesitate. “The second you tell us to.”

He sniffled, wiped his nose on his sleeve, and nodded, looking braver than ever. When he and Liam were on their feet, he wrapped his arms around Liam’s midsection and squeezed. Not for a second did he care that other kids were watching. “Okay. Thanks, Dad. I love you.”

Liam bent over him and hugged him back. “Love you more, bud.”

Tears pricked at the backs of my eyes again. Not because my baby was hurt this time. But because the bond between the two of them was so strong and so beautiful. I took a mental picture and willed it to imprint on my brain forever. I wished I hadn’t left my phone on the bleachers. If I had it, I would have documented this moment for Liam. Though maybe it was best that it remained just theirs. There was no need to share it with the world when I had it locked into my core memories.

Miles ran off, then Dallas was on his heels. He called out to his brother, and then they were embracing. Oh lord. There went the waterworks again.

“All right, Goldie. Let’s head back.” Liam wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me toward the gate so the game could resume.

I grasped the hand he had draped over my shoulder and laced our fingers. Once we got off the field, we leaned against the fence, ready in case either of our sons gave us the signal that they wanted to head home.

With my head on his shoulder, I blocked out the rest of the world. Maybe some of the other parents would give us curious glances, since until today we hadn’t even sat on the same side of the bleachers. It didn’t matter what they thought. Right now, all I focused on was our boys’ game and the steady heart rate of the most amazing man beside me.

I tilted my face up so I could whisper in his ear. “You handled that perfectly.”

He rested his head on top of mine. “I was a wreck. Seeing him get kicked like that just about broke me.”

I burrowed into him, soaking in his warmth. And that’s where I stayed, wrapped up in him, cheering on our sons as they won the game. The smile that broke out on my face was one I hadn’t worn in over seven years.

You’re coming to family dinner tonight, right?

Goldie: Planning on it!

Goldie: Unless we shouldn’t?

I’ll pick you guys up.

Goldie: That’s twenty minutes out of the way.

Ehh, not really.

Goldie: It is. Also, did you ever get your tire fixed??

Yes, actually. Tire is fixed. Apparently someone let the air out of it. Must have pissed off a coworker. Who knows. See you in an hour.

Goldie: You don’t think the boys will think this is weird?

Goldie: Like if we ride with you, are we setting expectations?

Expectations for us? Mine are already set pretty high. Hoping I can slip a hand over and caress an elbow or something on the drive.

Goldie: For the boys, you baboon.

Baboon’s a new one. I like it.

Goldie: You would, elbow caresser.

Marigold wanted us to keep things under wraps, and I understood her fear that we’d get the boys’ hopes up, then crush them. But she only felt that way because she didn’t fully understand that this was it. We were the endgame.

If I could get her to wrap her brain around how good this would be, how we could be a family again, she’d be on board. This time would be different. We had grown and matured, and I, for one, had developed a deeper appreciation for her. Never again would I lose her. I knew what it was like to watch her walk away, and I refused to idly sit by and let it happen again.

The boys came rushing out of the house at full speed, running to my car with bright smiles on their faces. Between playing catch-up at work and making sure all the sickness was out of our house, I hadn’t seen them in two days, and I’d missed them like crazy. It was reassuring to know they were just as excited to see me.