Page 113 of Bruno

“Don’t you dare hold back. Get the ring you want. The man has deep pockets,” Lark said.

“Bruno basically told me the same thing.”

“You heard directly from your future husband, so don’t hold back. Oh, Marissa, I’m so happy for you! At first I felt awful because I had talked you into going to California and then everything fell apart.”

Marissa closed the Ziploc bag and placed the snacks in her son’s backpack. “You never entered my mind. Everything that happened, happened because of decisions Bruno and I made. No one put a gun to our heads.”

“I’m just glad you’re back together. Love is so beautiful.” Lark sighed. “Sooo, when are you going to tell Chet?”

“Today, when he comes to pick up Theo. He should be here any minute.”

“That’s going to be awkward.”

“Yes, but I don’t want to put off this conversation. Bruno wants to get married right away.”

She did too. She was ready to become his wife. Marissa heard footsteps coming up the outer staircase. “I think he’s here now. I better go.”

“Okay. Good luck.”


She heard a knock on the door, and sure enough, Chet was standing outside.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey.” Marissa rubbed her damp hands on her jeans.

“Is he ready?” Chet stepped inside.

“Almost.” She closed the door.

“Have you found work yet?”

She shook her head. “Still looking.”

“I’m sure something will come up. I’ll keep my ears open for you.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

He watched her with curious eyes. “You seem kind of… tense. Is something wrong?”

“We need to talk before you leave with Theo.”

His left eyebrow lifted higher. “Okay. What’s up?”

“Have a seat.” She gestured toward the small dining table.

Chet walked over slowly, and she sat across from him.

“Is something wrong with Theo?” he asked.

“No, nothing like that. I need to talk to you about me, actually. I don’t know how else to say this, so I’ll just say it. Bruno proposed, and I said yes.”

There was a moment of tense silence, and then Chet laughed unsteadily, like a delayed reaction.

“He proposed?” Slowly, the fake smile died on his lips.

Marissa didn’t know what to say in the face of his crestfallen expression.