
Her groggy voice and hazy eyes make me reconsider my decision, but her angst infects our bond too much for me to change my mind.

I whip my shirt off her head and rub the fabric over my front. She grumbles and pushes it away when I try to fit it over her head.

“More,” she demands.

I smirk and stroke my cock through the fabric. She accepts it with a crooked smile.

I enjoy the weight of her eyes on me as I pull on my pants.

As though my approach jolts her awake, she snaps into awareness.

“Why are we getting dressed?”

“We’re going out for a moment.”

The worry tightening her features solidifies my decision. I step between her knees and pull her against my chest.

“Why?” she asks as I lift her off the counter and head toward the ladder.

“To meet someone.”

She stiffens, but drops her forehead to my chest and wraps her legs around me as I climb down the ladder.

I open the inner hatch and wedge my bulk into the watertight chamber. Her fingers tremble against my nape.

“Hush, little angel. This is what’s best.”

She shakes her head and clings tighter to me. I sigh and release the handwheel on the outer door to fill my hands with her ass.

“What are you thinking, Coral?”

“I’m tired and don’t want to go out,” she mumbles against my chest.

I squeeze her ass and rumble out a warning. Her nipples pebble and slick scents the air.

She darts her head up and meets my eyes. When her nostrils flare, I understand her surprise.

“Yes, baby, you’re pregnant.”

She blinks. Swallows. Blinks again.

“Our first mating… my first heat…”

I chuckle and shift one hand to her nape.

“Yes, little omega. I filled you so full of my seed you had no choice. You’ll birth our first offspring in a few months.”

She blinks several more times before reality settles over her. Tears drip from her snowy lashes and trail down her pale cheeks.

“Then why are we leaving our den? I need—”

I end her question with a kiss and don’t pull back until we’re both breathless.

“This is important. Trust me?”

As she studies my expression, her apprehension grows, but she nods and tucks the side of her face against my chest. I open the outer hatch before shifting her higher and bracing my forearm under my ass. She gives a hesitant sigh and focuses on my heartbeat as I pin her head to my sternum and duck through the halls until I reach the common room.