A circular hatch opens on the top of the black beast and the broadest shoulders in existence rise from the depths. Too large to pass through with ease, the alpha maneuvers himself out with predatory grace.

My stomach clenches as our eyes meet.

Amber orbs fill my vision. The world narrows. Nothing will save me from this male.

With lethal calm, he pulls first one, then another, blade from his thigh holsters. Covered in tight black material, he makes the simple t-shirt and pants ensemble look deadly and mysterious, like a warrior from before the rains began. His black boots glimmer in the sunlight as he stalks down the nose of his ship.

Movement from behind him breaks my trance. Man after man emerges from the belly of the submarine.

A snarl sounds above my head. I jerk toward the opposite side of my cage, narrowly avoiding the crazed alpha’s fingers as he reaches through the bars.

Madness resumes. Bodies block out the sun as those too lost to instinct swarm my fallen cage. I scream, kick, and fight with all my might, but there’s no escape for me.

A low growl steals the breath from my lungs. I curl into a ball on my side, ignoring the hands tugging at my limbs.

Sunlight heats the side of my face. I glance up as massive hands curl around the shoulders of the man directly above me and yank him away. With a sickening crunch, the amber-eyed alpha breaks the male’s neck and tosses him aside.

My insides clench and wicked heat pulses through my veins.

I must be in shock. This cannot be real. It’s only an estrous-induced nightmare.

Nails dig into my flesh and wrench my arm away from my leg. I twist my wrist and lash out, kicking my attacker in the face and snapping his elbow in the wrong direction. With his arm trapped between the bars, he screams in my face until hands wrap around his throat from behind.

He disappears.

My savior systematically destroys the males swarming my cage. His snarl as he warns one of his men away clenches something deep within my abdomen.

He won’t share the glory.

Maybe he won’t share the spoils, either?

Eerie silence descends. I peek through the curtain of my hair.

Unlike the blown pupils of the crazed males, The Submarine stares down at me with sparkling amber orbs.

My nipples harden and lust pulses between my legs, but the stench and horror of my surroundings ground me in the present. I tremble as scarred knuckles wrap around the bars of my cage.

With terrifying ease, he yanks open the door, rips it off its hinges, and tosses the metal aside. My heart leaps and fear locks me in place as he reaches into my cage.

He wraps unyielding fingers around my biceps. My skin ignites. I jolt in shock.

Instinct swallows me whole. I sink into the feral animal lurking within my soul. Biting, scratching, and hissing, I fight with shocking intensity, but my strength is no match for the massive alpha.

He captures my wrists, pins them to the small of my back in one of his gigantic hands, and plasters our fronts together. I hiss as he yanks my head back by my hair.

The world drops out from under my feet. Specks of gold shine from the ring of amber around his enlarged pupils. His nostrils flare and the most delicious vibration leaks from his chest.

I’m helpless against his purr. My bones melt as it resonates throughout my entire body.

“I found you, little omega. You’re mine now.”

His deep timbre reaches into my soul and awakens instinctual needs.

I shake my head as much as his grip will allow.

A devilish smirk tilts his lips, creasing the thin white scar trailing from the corner of his nose down to his chin. He pulls my head further back, exposing my neck, and shifts our fronts together, rubbing my hard nipples against his impossibly harder abdominals.

My breath hitches as he leans down and nuzzles my temple. Goosebumps pepper my flesh as his breath ghosts over the sensitive shell of my ear.