“Then be still. Can you do that for me, Coral? Can you stop moving, just for a little while?”
I whimper, tuck my face where his throat meets his shoulder, grab my elbows behind his neck, and dig my heels into his sides, lifting myself higher on his chest so his cock springs free and bops against my ass instead of stimulating my clit.
“Good girl.”
His praise clenches my core. Slick gushes down his front. He curses and descends the ladder with quick movements.
I dig my nails into my forearms as the friction between our bodies scrambles my mind. The hardness of his chest against my sensitive nipples sends fissures of electricity straight to my womb.
He stops moving. I press my nose against his jugular and breathe in his fiery pheromones. He reaches for his nape and peels my arms apart. I hiss as he wraps his fingers around my throat and forces me away from his delicious scent.
Another pathetic whimper leaves my chest as he kneels and pushes my legs to the ground.
“Nest, little angel,” he snarls.
I stare at his massive shoulders and muscular arms, wanting only them, but he weaves his digits into my hair, pinches my chin, and guides my attention to the side.
Disbelief spears through me. There’s no way this is real. I must be hallucinating.
The same footprint as the entire bath level—including the shower, sinks, and closet—this room has the most space I’ve seen since entering his ship, but stacks and stacks of nesting materials line the walls and crowd the square footage until only a path wide enough for my alpha to sidestep to the center remains.
My omega heart squeals in joy and sobs in wonder while my body merely stares in shock.
“Nest, Coral.”
Animalistic fury sparks through me and I lash out, pushing his hands and stepping away before crowding him like a lunatic.
“That’s the third time you’ve said my name. You’re not allowed to say it anymore.” I poke his chest and snarl. “I don’t like it.” I lie, but I poke his chest harder and continue. “I can’t stand it.” Another lie. Another poke. “It’s not fair!”
Sudden sobs break from my chest. I fling my arms around his neck.
Still kneeling, he doesn’t budge despite my insanity. He wraps his brawny arms around me and crushes me against him for a moment before peeling me off him and setting me at arm’s length.
“Another first?” he asks.
I nod, but I’m not sure if he means my heat-induced insanity or if he can sense the real reason behind my turmoil. I’ve never made a proper nest. The most materials The Sisters allowed me were a pillow, sheet, and blanket. A flash of heat steals my breath.
Port rises to his feet, turns me by my shoulders, gathers my hair in his hand, and uses it as a leash to guide me to the center of the room.
A bare mattress sits all alone. One pillow and one sheet lie folded near the head. Loneliness wafts from the area.
I grunt in surprise when my alpha shoves me face first onto the bed. He wraps his forearm under my hips and lifts me to my knees while keeping the side of my face mashed against the mattress.
His knot bops my ass. He releases my hips and scratches his nails up the back of my thigh as he whispers in my ear.
“You’ve got so much further to fall, angel. Build a nest so you have somewhere soft to land after I fuck you senseless and fill you with my seed.”
He disappears. The air is too cold.
Fabric plops onto my head.
While faint traces of my alpha’s scent waft from the fabric, it isn’t enough to satisfy my omega needs. I snarl, sit up, and toss the blanket at the idiot in question.
“More,” I snarl.
He quirks a brow. I pull the used pillow and sheet into a hug, bury my face inside, and hum in delight.
“Ah. More. Ask nicely, little omega.”