I lean forward again to show my cards. It’s a perfect hand, aside from a two-card blackjack.
Jerry curses under his breath, again, pushing his cards away without showing them. “Double or nothing,” he blurts.
Bubbles gives him a worried look, as though she already knows that he’s going to get himself into trouble playing with me. Of course, he is. I could tell he was easy to manipulate the moment I laid eyes on him. I can read people like books.
Jerry glares at the cards as I accept his offer. He watches them come down before snatching his cards off the table and holding them so close to his face that I can nearly see the numbers from the reflection on his overgrown pupils.
“So, it’s double for me,” I say, glancing at my cards. “And nothing for you.” I flip my cards over, revealing a perfect Jack and Ace combination. “Blackjack.”
“You motherfucker,” Jerry says, shaking his head. “I’m not paying you a grand.”
“Then play again,” I reply. “And we’ll see just how much you’re willing to give me.”
“Bubbles, get this man a beer,” Jerry says, waving his hand at her wildly. “We’re playing another round. Double again. Two grand. Fuck it.”
Bubbles lets out a sigh, placing the cards down on the table and turning around. Her panties do little to cover her plump ass as she walks away, and I can’t help but stare it down as she disappears through the thick red curtains.
“She’s a treat,” Jerry says, noticing my gaze.
I look up at him. “You can say that again.”
“But I have to warn you. She’s got attitude. She’ll probably twist your nuts off if you try anything,” he says, making a twisting motion with his hand.
I chuckle. “I always liked them a bit feisty.”
“Hell, I’d bet you her if she’d be down with it, but I doubt she’s willing to play such games. She’s always strictly business, ever since she came here.”
I rub my chin. “What about the club?”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t bet her, but she belongs to the club, right? Would you bet that?” I ask, flashing the friendliest smile I can muster.
Jerry lets out a loud laugh. “Jesus, man. Can you imagine if I lost this place? I’d be out on the streets.”
“I’m serious,” I reply. “Let’s up the stakes.”
“No way. Two grand is already stupid enough. You can have unlimited drinks at the bar, unlimited dances… whatever. But you’re not getting this club.”
“Not for a million dollars?” I ask, cocking my head to the side. “I have the cash in my car.”
“No, you don’t,” he replies with another bought of laughter, but I can see the excitement in his eyes. He wants to play. He wants to get that money, and he’s going to give his club up for it.
That, or I’m going to lose a million dollars. My brother Tavo wouldn’t be happy about that, but he’s had his fair share of slipups. Besides, I’m the one who got the weapons deal for our Mafia Family, and he also put me in charge when he got married.
I call the shots, and the money is mine to lose if I please.
But I won’t lose. Not to this asshole Jerry. Not only do I have a club to win, but I have a woman, who I swear I know from somewhere, to impress. And if this doesn’t impress her, then at least I’ll have her in my sights when I gut this place and turn it into a money-laundering scheme. I need somewhere to pump the weapons deal money through.
“So,” I say, leaning in and placing both of my hands flat on the table. “Do you want to make the bet of a lifetime?”
“You’re drunk,” he says, maintaining his amused tone, but doubt flickers in his eyes, and his smile begins to fade as I stare him down.
“I assure you, I’m not.”
“Show me the money,” he says.
“I’m not bringing it in here,” I reply. “One of these dancers is bound to steal it.”