
Kostin is staring me down with such intensity that I’m surprised my entire face doesn’t burst into flames. I don’t know what to say to him, other than ‘thank you’.

I’m glad that he didn’t listen to me. All this time, he’s injected his own will into whatever I’ve done, and normally, it’s annoyed me. This time, however, it’s exactly what I needed. He saved me from certain death, and for that, I can’t push him away again.

And I don’t want to. My boys deserve to know what a brave and powerful man their father is, and Kostin deserves to know the triplets he created, even if it was only by accident. In truth, I don’t believe that there are accidents, only miracles in disguise.

“They’re yours,” I say, looking at him with nothing but admiration. “All three of them.”

He chuckles. “I know that too.”

“You do?” I ask, taken aback.

He nods. “I was here yesterday, Bonnie. I did some research on you when you started acting weird.”

I laugh, tears coming to my eyes. “I’m always weird.”

He smiles, but then his face turns sad. It’s the first time I’ve seen him display sorrow, and it sends a deep sense of dread through me. I never even thought he could be sad.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the boys?” he asks. “Why did you hide them from me?”

Tears begin streaming from my eyes. I can’t hold in the pain any longer. All the lies, all the secrets, and all the hidden phones calls have led up to this. I shouldn’t have hidden anything from him, but I did it to protect the triplets. I’d do anything for them.

Kostin brings his hand up to my cheek, wiping away my tears with a gentle brush of his fingers. “You were scared,” he says.

I nod, ugly-crying in front of him and making no attempt to hide it. That would be unsuccessful, anyway.

“But you were brave for them, Bonnie. It’s no easy task to care for three boys.” He chuckles. “It won’t be for me, either.”

I blink through my tears, trying to get a better look at his face to tell if he’s serious.

He takes my hand and cups it in both of his. “Bonnie, I promise you that I will protect you and the boys. I will do everything in my power to keep our family safe. I swear on my life.”

The ugly crying starts again. I’ve never been able to help it. I’m an emotional person.

“Come here,” Kostin says, pulling me toward him and wrapping his arms around me.

I can feel the warmth of his chest, and I can smell the intoxicating scent of cigar smoke and cologne. I’m in love with this man, even if I lied to him, I want him to be there for me and the boys. I need him now, more than ever.

I wrap my hands around his waist, squeezing him for a full minute before he tries to let go.

“I don’t want to let go,” I say, burying my face in his chest harder.

“Don’t you want me to meet the boys?” he asks.

I look up. “You haven’t yet?”

He laughs. “No, dear. I only saw them through the window.”

“Then, how did you know they were yours?” I ask, finally letting go and stepping back. My eyeliner is smudged across his shirt, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“It’s the eyes,” he says with a wink. “Every Markov man has the same eyes.”

“Those eyes are what got me into trouble in the first place,” I say, brushing my hair back behind my ears. “I always thought of you when I looked at them. I wondered what had become of you. I never knew, until you met me again at the club.”

He slaps his hand on his forehead. “Damn, I knew that I had met you before.”

“You did more than meet me,” I say with a laugh. “It was at the Santa Monica club. I’ll admit I don’t remember the name.”

“Shit, I do remember you. It was in the bathroom,” he says, his eyes lighting up and a grin stretching across his handsome face.

I hold my finger up to my lips. “Nobody can know about that.”

He nods. “Our little secret, my love.”

I smile up at him, squinting through the sun as it peeks through the trees beside the house. The shadows cast patterns across Kostin’s face, but I can still see the truth in his eyes. I can trust him this time.

“Come,” I say, holding out my hand to lead him back inside. “It’s time for you to meet your children.”