I made a wish on the sunrise this morning, a wish that I want to come true more than anything in this world.

One step at a time though, I remind myself. One step at a time.

Chapter Six


I look down at the beautiful engagement ring and stare in awe as I watch it twinkling in the sunlight as we walk back to our resort. It really is perfect, exactly something I would have picked out for myself. I can’t believe this is all happening, that we are finally together and that he wants me to be his forever.

Could all my dreams really be coming true?

I bite my lip as I turn my head to look at Jasper, hopefully all of them. I take a deep breath getting ready to tell my biggest secret to him. One that I haven’t even really admitted out loud to myself.

“Jasp?” “Hmm?” he answers, not taking his eyes off of me. “Would you love me if I wasn’t a firefighter?” I ask, he glances towards me for a second then his eyes are back on the path before he grabs my hand, giving it a small reassuring squeeze.

“Yes, all I have ever wanted was your happiness, Dee. He answers without a moment of hesitation which only makes me want to tell him more.

“I don’t want to be one, I don’t think I ever really wanted to be. I think I just wanted to try and prove to my Pops and all the naysayers that I could and would be an excellent firefighter.” He kisses my knuckles.

“What do you want to do? Tell me and I will make it happen.” I blow out a breath.

“I don’t know. “

“You always seemed at your happiest when you were in the kitchen making something for all of us. So maybe something with cooking?” I love that he has paid so much attention to me.

“I do love cooking. It’s my favorite thing to do,” I say nodding my head. “Lord knows you make a mean pie, maybe you can see if Larry needs a baker or something for his restaurant,” he offers. How the hell did I get so lucky? I found a man that loves me for exactly who I am.

“I don’t want to leave the station, because I love spending my days with you.”

“I have an idea and hear me out on this, okay?” I nod my head. “How about, while you are trying to find out what you really want to do, you stay on at the station and just do meals for me and the guys. That way you can at least do what makes you happy while you find out what you want to do.” Oh my god, he knows me better than I know myself because I don’t think I would have ever come up with that.

“Do you really think I could do that?” I ask hopefully because that actually sounds kinda perfect.

“Hell yeah, Gunner knows you are the only one who can cook out of the lot of us. He’ll just be glad he doesn’t have to eat Alex’s cooking.” We both make a face at the same time. That man cannot cook even if it were to save his life. “Plus… if you’re there I’ll be able to have my way with you whenever I want,” he says wiggling his eyebrows.

“Ah I see, you just want me for my body,” I say playfully as I make an hourglass shape with my free hand causing him to give me a wicked smile.

“Trust me, baby, it would be mutually satisfying for the both of us.”

“Oh, I have no doubt about that,” I say thinking about just how satisfying that will be.

“All kidding aside. If you want the job, I’ll make it happen,” he says, getting serious.

“I’ll think about it when we get back home. For now, I do believe I was promised a beach day,” I answer tartly. He chuckles and it goes all through me.

“Of course, I wouldn’t want my girl thinking I don’t keep my promises, now would I?” He kisses my hand then lets it go and I am already missing his touch. “Definitely not.” He shakes his head with a grin.

After we get back inside the hotel, he holds my room door open for me. I grab some things from my suitcase on my way to the bathroom.

“Christ woman, are you trying to make me go to prison?” Jasper growls walking towards me as I come out of the bathroom.

“What are you talking about?” I look down at my swimsuit I just put on.

“You look sexy as fuck. All those fucker’s downstairs are going to be looking at what’s mine. Then I’ll have to stab their eyes out,” he grunts out. Why the fuck does that sound so sexy? That should not turn me on as much as it does.