
“There’s a spot nearby where we can watch the sun rise,” I tell her.

“You wanna watch the sun come up with me?”

“I want to watch all the sunrises from now until the day I die with you, Devyn. Only you.” I can’t even put into words how much I love this woman. Even if I were to try, it would never be adequate.

“I want that too,” she whispers. She gets out of bed and rummages through my bag. Thank fuck, because now that I’ve had her, I won’t be able to give her up. She’s the perfect drug.

“What are you looking for?” I ask, chuckling. I love that she feels comfortable enough with me to go through my things like this.

“Don’t laugh at me, Jasper. I just need something to wear. That dress was too tight,” she replies pulling out the hoodie I brought with me. She pulls it on and it goes past her knees, obviously it’s way too big for her. She looks hot as hell wearing my clothes though and there is no way I’m going to get tired of seeing that. “This will do until I get to my room.” I get dressed quickly and follow her down the hall to her room. She unlocks the door and pushes inside. I sit on the bed while she pulls on some tight black pants and a pair of well-worn white Chucks. She leaves my sweatshirt on and pulls her wild hair up into a messy knot on the top of her head.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her.

“You’re crazy,” she says laughing. “Let’s go. You’re lucky I love you. I don’t normally tolerate liars,” she says in a way that tells me she’s joking.

Grabbing her arm, I turn her and pull her into my arms. I stare at her beautiful face. The beauty I see there is unparalleled and I get to look at it for the rest of my life, if she says yes that is. I do have a moment’s hesitation that she’ll say no, but I push that thought away.

“I don’t lie, baby, but if I did, it would never be to you. When I say you are beautiful, I mean it. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or what you’re not wearing, you are gorgeous, inside, and out and I will love you forever. You got that?” She nods and I slam my lips down on hers.

“Aren’t we going to chase the sun?” she says breathlessly when I finally let her go.

“We are,” I say, laughing. “Let’s go.”

Once we are outside the hotel, I take her hand and lead her down the beach path behind the hotel.

“Is it far?”

“Not too far, baby. Not too far.” We walk about half a mile down the beach and stop. Thankfully, the path is well lit. After spreading the blanket that I brought with us out in the sand, we sit down.

“It’s so pretty out here,” she says wrapping her arms around her knees.

“It really is,” I say, not giving a damn about the view.

“When does the sun rise?” she asks, still looking at the water. The sky is just starting to lighten.

“Ten minutes or so,” I say looking at my watch.

I decide that I can’t wait anymore. I need her to be mine for always. I pull the ring out of my pocket and turn to her.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she says, giggling.

“Devyn, I have loved you since I met you,” I say.

“Aww. I love you too,” she says, making me smile.

“I had this whole speech planned, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Will you marry me?” Her mouth drops open and she stares at me.

“What?” she asks, tears building in her eyes.

“Marry me. Make me the happiest man in the world and say you’ll be my wife.”

“Yes. Yes, I’ll be your wife”

“Thank fuck,” I say, leaning forward to kiss her. We are still kissing when the sun does come up.

“I can’t believe you want to marry me,” she says.

“How could you doubt it, Devyn?”

“I love you, you know, like more than anything.”

“I know and I love you too.”

“I can’t wait to tell my parents, the guys at work. Do you think it’s too fast?”

“Not at all. I already told your Dad and I don’t think the guys will be surprised. I staked my claim long ago.”

“Did you?”

“Of course, I did.”

“Well, alright then,” she says lunging at me. She lays on top of me and kisses me until she is breathless.

I have never been happier or felt more alive than I do right now.

“Let’s go spend the day at the beach before we have to leave tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait to go home but a day relaxing on the beach sounds amazing to me,” she says looking at her ring for the first time.

She smiles a little smile and I know I am going to love her forever. What did I do to get so fucking lucky?