When we got to the hotel, I went straight to my room and facetimed Laney who was with Sloane and Sabrina. We have all become close over the last few weeks and they are my girls. I love them to pieces and they always know what to do or say to make me feel better.

After I told them what went on with Jasp and the plane they decided that I needed to go downstairs to dinner, have a few drinks, and mingle even though I would just prefer to stay in my room and study for the H.O.T training class that is in the morning. Instead, I listened to the girls and decided to go down to dinner at the meet and greet with the other hundred or so firefighters that are attending the conference. It’s crowded and so not my thing but like they said I can’t stay in my room and pout. So, I make my way to the bar deciding that I need some liquid courage to deal with the next couple hours.

“Can I get a mai tai and a shot of tequila, please,” I ask as the bartender comes over.

“One mai tai coming up.” When he places my drinks in front of me, I down the shot, put a twenty on the counter, then grab my drink and head towards the doors that lead outside of the hotel that we are in. It is beautiful and right on the water. Luckily, it’s not as crowded on the patio as it is inside. I sigh and take a seat looking out at the water. I wish things were different. I wish that Jasper would make a move. He has my heart and the longer he keeps me at arm’s length, the more it starts to hurt.

“What’s got a beautiful woman like you looking so sad?” A deep voice asks, shaking me out of my self-pity. I look up and see an average looking guy standing next to my chair.

“Life’s got a way of kicking you in the balls sometimes,” I say with a shrug. He throws his head back and laughs.

“That it does. Mind if I sit?” he asks as he already grabs the chair and is sitting down.

“You kinda already are,” I point out. He tilts his drink at me.

“True, but I can’t let a pretty lady sit here and look so sad. It wouldn’t be gentlemanly of me.” I chuckle. I know damn well what he wants. You don’t grow up in a fire station and not learn a thing or two.

“I’m kinda hung up on someone so you’re wasting your time,” I say, sighing and downing half my drink.

“That’s too bad, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a drink, right?” I swirl my drink around thinking it over. It’s not like he is hitting on me and another drink wouldn’t hurt anything besides it’s not like I am hurting anyone even if I do feel weird agreeing.

“I guess not, but just one,” I say holding up one finger. He laughs.

“Deal. Are you here on business or pleasure?”

“I’m here for the conference. I’m a firefighter, well probie anyway.”

“Wow, that’s pretty awesome.”

“It’ll be even better when I am not a probie anymore. What about you?”

“Conference also. I’m one of the instructors.”

That piques my interest. I wonder if he has any tips for me tomorrow. We spend the next thirty minutes chatting about some of the things to expect for the H.O.T or hands on training if you will and I am actually starting to enjoy myself. “So, I know you’re kinda hung up on someone else, but do you think I could take you out while you’re here?”

I suddenly feel like I am being watched and my head whips up to the side. Jasper is standing there with his hands in fists and is breathing hard. Suddenly something comes to my head, something that the girls said. Maybe I just need to do something to finally push him over the edge. I raise my eyebrow at Jasper but he takes a deep breath and seems to collect himself.

Fuck! I wish he would just come over here and tell him to back off. Tell him that I am his but no, he just stands there. With my heart in my throat, I down the last of my drink and stand up. If he isn’t going to make a move then fine, fuck him too.

“Sure, tomorrow.”

“Great.” I lean over and kiss him lightly on the cheek even if it makes my insides crawl.

“Thanks for cheering me up. I needed it more than I thought I did.”

“Anytime,” he murmurs, I turn away and see Jasper looking pissed as fuck. I jut out my chin and glare at him as I begin to walk past him. I stop and turn slightly.