His hot tongue is in my mouth, pushing deep. His lips move against mine, bruising and hungry, sucking and kissing me into submission. The force of it is so great, my legs weaken and shake, but he’s there, holding me up without effort, angling my face and body for his pleasure. He does with me what he wants, and I’m overcome with sweet, hot weakness.
It’s the best feeling in the world. And the worst, too. I’m losing myself.
Suddenly, he makes a sound, a deep, reverberating growl, and my lower lip splits with a hot sting.
I taste blood, and he grunts in satisfaction, sucking my lip into his mouth as he drinks.
I know I should push him away. This is not how humans kiss or fuck. I know because I’ve seen enough people going at it in the bushes. Even the basest, most primal coupling was tame compared to this.
It’s like he’s an animal feasting on me. And I’m helpless to stop him, because his every rough, pleasurable sound settles between my legs like a caress, tightening my need into a hot, pulsing cord. I never want it to stop.
When he hooks his hand under my knee, pulling me impatiently closer, I follow the unspoken command and wrap my legs around his hips. His cock presses to me through a thin layer of fabric, making my breath hitch.
“See?” he murmurs, his mouth dropping to the corner of mine before he places an unexpectedly chaste kiss there. His lips are hot and wet. “Nothing to be afraid of.”
“Another lie,” I gasp out when he rolls his hips, his cock rubbing against me. The memory of the thorns circling the base flashes in my mind with a pang of fear, but I feel nothing sharp. Just hot, male hardness.
“Is it?” he asks, pulling back. His eyes glitter like jewels in the dark. “Let me make it up to you, then.”
The world tumbles and dips around me, my breath scratching in my throat when I swallow a scream. I’m falling, and then I’m not. Woland lays me on my back in the grass, his antlers looming against the starlit sky as he kneels between my legs, my dress tangled luridly around my waist.
Through my lustful fog, I hear moans and shouts of pleasure from afar. The nearest fire crackles, sending sparks into the summer night air.
“What will you do?” I ask, breathless and dizzy.
His eyes burn as he lays his big, clawed hands on my inner thighs and spreads my legs wide apart. I gasp. My underwear is gone, I don’t even know how, and cool night air strokes the sizzling heat between my legs.
“Make up for my lies,” he says with a wicked glint in his eye.
I raise myself on my elbows, watching with wide eyes as he pushes back, moving with sinuous grace. Big and powerful, he has the surprising grace of a prowling lynx, and I swallow convulsively when he lowers his head, shooting me one last, glittering look from between my thighs.
Then his mouth is on me, his antlers caging my hips. Trapping me.
I let my head fall back with a muffled moan when he takes my sensitive flesh into his mouth and sucks, making a low, pleased sound in the back of his throat. There’s no honey between my legs, yet he laps at me like I’m a delicacy fit for a god.
“If this is… the apology… then lie all you want,” I pant out, my breath hot and free, my mouth loose.
“I will,” he says, golden eyes flashing between my legs.
Pleasure builds and sizzles, the prongs of Woland’s antlers digging into my belly when I raise my hips greedily. I never expected this to feel so good, so utterly decadent. I finally understand the appeal of sex and all the tension around it.
“Scream for me.”
A sharp sting mars the bliss, one of my labia cut with magic. I cry out while Woland growls with pleasure, sucking the wound into his mouth. I tear out clumps of grass with my seeking, desperate hands, but the pain fades quickly, replaced by even greater pleasure.
“Fuck!” I spit out through gritted teeth, grabbing onto his antlers. He grunts, the sound utterly beastly, and pushes his tongue inside me. Hot and thick, it presses deep, and my hips buck, inviting him deeper.
I’m almost there. The glittering, bright reality of my orgasm looms just out of reach. Ready to go off.
Woland takes my clit into his mouth, sucking hard. My entire body tenses, small shivers going through me as my muscles scream for the impending relief. I just need… a second…
He stops and looks up, his mouth smeared with my blood.
“Say you’re mine and I’ll let you come.”
Chapter thirteen