Page 24 of Devil's Deal

“Very well. Let’s see what the rest of the night brings.”

And suddenly, I’m out of the quiet, shadowy cocoon. The noise of Kupala crashes into me in full force, and I notice for the first time how the wind rustles in the trees, how the river murmurs constantly. The crackling of fires and the curious, scared, worried whispers of the people mix with the sounds of nature. Nyja talks quietly to Strzybog, and Foss snorts from time to time, smoke coming out of his nostrils.

When I look at Woland, he’s completely hidden. Meanwhile, Ida is already busy pouring generous cups of mead. I breathe out, forcing my body out of the protective hunch it wants to curl into, and go to fetch wine for the devil.

I take my time, fruitlessly trying to get my body under control. But all my terrified sweat cools quickly in a sticky layer, making me shiver from the cold now that the immediate danger is over. I have to focus on pouring the wine so I don’t spill it with my shaking hands.

“Are you all right?”

Bogna touches my hand, her sweet face lined with worry on my account. I force a smile and nod, setting the cup aside.

“I just have to pour a cup,” I say, doing my best to stay calm so I don’t worry her further. “It’s nothing.”

“And then, give it to him,” Bogna says with a shiver, taking the bottle of wine. “I don’t know how you can stand it. Everyone’s terrified of them. They look so strange. Like us, and yet…”

She trails off, pouring the cup with a steady hand. A wave of tender gratitude rises in my chest, making it hurt. I’m so used to dealing with everything on my own, and Bogna’s help, though trifling, makes my chest hurt.

“Thank you. Now please, go and have fun,” I tell her when she presses the full cup into my hands and holds on, squeezing my fingers soothingly. “I’ll be fine, I promise. And you be safe, too.”

She nods and goes back to her friends, taking a longer way just to stay far away from the circle. I don’t blame her at all. I hate going back there and facing Woland again.

When I walk carefully so as not to spill anything, Ida is already done, talking to Jarota nearby and pointing at our musicians. The crowd seems more relaxed, and inside the circle, even Foss cracks a smile after taking a sip from the cup he has sniffed suspiciously first.

“I take back what I said. It’s not swill,” he says, and Nyja shakes her head fondly.

As I approach, the black cloud of Woland drifts closer to the invisible boundary. For a moment, I wonder if he’ll yank me inside the circle once I offer him the wine. I suppose it doesn’t matter since he can come out, but can the others? What if Foss or the Rodzanica want to hurt me for some reason and the circle prevents that?

I cut off that reasoning and brace myself, getting ready to yank my hand back as soon as Woland has the wine. I won’t be trapped with them. Once I’m done serving Woland, I’ll disappear in the crowd, I decide. Enough is enough.

When a clawed hand slides out of the shadows and takes the cup, I breathe in relief when he doesn’t even touch me. His claws do go over the boundary just a bit, but only to taunt me. The cup out of my hand, I take a step back, getting clear of the circle. The breath of relief I heave is so big, my chest hurts.

Because it’s over. I can disappear. I will be safe. Relief washes over me and I almost laugh with the headiness of it.

That’s when a snarling, angry voice hisses in my ear. “Told you I’d get you.”

Before I have time to turn, Swietko pushes me with all his might and I fall forward, right into Strzybog, who catches me with a sound of surprise.

I straighten and turn in a panic, trying to escape, but my knee bumps into something hard and solid, like a wall stretching between the two nearest fires.

I cannot cross the line. I’m trapped in the circle.

Chapter nine


When I compose myself enough to look, Swietko has already melted into the crowd. I clench my fists and turn, plastering a fake smile on my face as my heart hammers with pure terror. Because I feel them. The inside of the circle pulses and shimmers with extraordinary amounts of power that raises the hair along my arms. The power is like a heartbeat, and it makes me sick.

My body breaks out in a fresh wave of sweat.

“I’m sorry for barging in,” I say, dismayed to hear how gasping my voice is.

Strzybog waves me away with a pleasant smile, Foss purses his lips angrily, and the Rodzanica doesn’t react. She doesn’t even look at me. Woland is hidden.

“You can’t leave, can you?” Nyja says, coming closer, but slowly. I think she senses my fear and discomfort. “Oh, dear. The levels of magic gathered here are bound to give any mortal a headache. Strzybog, could you…”

She turns to him, but before she finishes, Strzybog nods with a smile. “Say no more. My pleasure.”

I don’t understand what’s happening, so I just stand next to Nyja and watch quietly as Strzybog takes a deep breath that puffs up his already wide chest. He then bends his knees, pursing his lips tightly, and blows.