Page 30 of Of Bone and Ash

The… what? No fucking way. Gabe said he wasn't here anymore! That's one of the reasons I was okay with coming here to help Atlas.

“He’s an abomination that should have been destroyed years ago,” Amell growls, eye twitching as he glares at us

I can feel my throat tighten, my magic pressing forward at Amell's words, and watch as his eyes shift from my face to my fingers, where I know the smallest wisp of black magic has appeared. He studies it briefly, frowning before looking at me with narrowed eyes.

“You’re upset,” he states, and I blink at him, unsure of what to say. I quickly check on my mental shields, finding them perfectly in place before I shake my head, denying his words. Amell’s eyes flash, their gold darkening as his jaw tenses. It's the only sign that he’s upset. The rest of him exudes a cold calmness that I only wish to replicate. “Do not lie to me,” he grinds out just as I’m hit with a lash of magic.

What the..? The blow startles me enough that I stagger back a step before my own magic leaps from me in response, wrapping around his in a deadly battle. What was once an invisible attack turns into a flash of gold and black, sparking and twisting in a torrential storm of angry magic.

“Amell!” Teagan snaps, surprising the shit out of me when she stands, flames growing in her hands as she glares at the Angel. But I don’t have time to gawk at the woman as I glare death at the Angel before me.

What the hell is this guy's problem? I tell him a simple lie, and he fucking attacks me? I know he didn't like me from our encounter in his classroom, but this is a little much!

“Serafina!” Atlas shouts at my side.

I feel my finger tingle as I tilt my head to the side, watching our magic battle. Then I glare, realizing that besides the initial attack, Amell isn't sending any of his magic at me. He’s challenging the black magic that exploded from me. He’s testing my magic, and by the look of horror on his face, he wasn't prepared for what he found.

Ha. Stupid Angel. Don't go looking for things you don't want to know.

I can feel a smile stretch over my face as I slowly peel back the cage where I keep my darkest secret, letting it peek through as I tighten my hold on his golden magic. The pain I feel steadies me and when Amell darts his angry gaze to mine, I wink.

Teeth bared, Amell strides forward like he’s about to physically attack. Suddenly, a bright blue shield snaps out, crashing through our magic and closing around me. It makes Amell pull up short, his eyes feral as he stares at me, chest heaving with barely controlled anger. Gold swirling tattoos inch up his neck, sparkling like starlight on his golden skin.

He’s lost control of not only his magic but his emotions, and something about that fact makes me smug as fuck. Not so calm and collected after all. You know, for an Angel, he really sucks at the no-emotions thing.

Atlas slowly pushes himself onto shaky feet, furious eyes pinned on the Angel as he points to the door. “Out,” he snarls, making Amell inhale sharply, his eyes never straying from me.


Boris steps in front of me, cutting off the stare-down Amell and I were having, and I blink, shaking my head as a headache forms at my temples. I gradually lower my arms, not realizing that I had lifted them until now, and slowly collect the magic I still have strewn around the room, then take a deep breath. I may have had enough magic to keep the Angel at bay… but not without it taking its toll. My body shakes, and exhaustion rolls over me as I step to Boris’ side, not wanting to appear weak.

“Amell, report to my office for a meeting. I suggest you leave now before we have a bigger problem,” Teagan grinds out, glaring at the Angel. “And if I were you, I would call Rafael.” Amell’s furious gaze falls on Teagan as he scoffs.

“You can’t be serious.”

“You just attacked one of my students on Fae grounds! Not even you have the authority to do that!” Teagan shouts back, and I lift an impressed brow. Hmm, I thought she would be cheering Amell on.

Atlas’ hand reaches out and grabs mine, yanking me close in a move I'm not prepared for. Usually, Atlas keeps to my boundaries, respecting the distance I need to feel in control. Whatever magic battle Amell and I just engaged in must have set my oldest brother on edge, and he’s not happy.

“Are you…” Atlas starts to ask.

“Fine,” I answer, cutting him off and squeezing his hand for a moment before letting it go and taking a step back. Amell watches the movement, eyes narrowed on my hand before he shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something, but it's not words I hear next. It's an ear-splitting roar that comes from outside, shaking the floors beneath our feet.



Irush down the stairs after Boris, who is cursing up a storm. For a big guy, he sure can move fast.

“What the hell is your Patrol doing, Boris?” Amell snaps from behind me, only a few feet away, as he and Teagan run through the halls of the dimly lit castle. We pass a few students, making them eye us in curiosity as we go.

“That's what I’m trying to figure out! There must be something wrong. We need to check the gates and make sure the school is secure,” the Dragon mutters, more to himself than to us as Teagan yanks her phone from her pocket and starts tapping on it.

I run down the final flight of stairs that lead to the front door, scowling when I hear a commotion outside. Boris is out the doors first, barking orders at people as he stomps toward the courtyard. What the fuck is going on? I mentally check on Morana and find that she's waiting outside for me. Safe and secure.

Just as I clear the castle doors, a thick arm bands around my waist, yanking me off my feet and making panic lurch through me. In the next second, I have a sword in one hand and a scythe in another as I spin, kicking at the shins of the person holding me.

Amell’s eyes widen in shock as he curses and steps back. Then he swallows when he feels the cold steel of my blade against his throat.