“That’s not true,” Atlas admonishes. “You were young when things happened, but you're not stupid, Fina. No one thinks you don't know what you're talking about.” I bite the inside of my cheek, pushing the evil voice back as it tries to creep forward.
I’ve gone back and forth over telling my family about the lingering magic inside me, but when I heard Gabe talking to his wife about how glad he was that I escaped my father's testing, I knew I needed to keep it to myself. For the most part, it hasn't been an issue. It only became a problem when my best friend and first love took off years ago, leaving my magic unbound and wild. In my young naivety, I trusted a boy who I thought would always be there for me. I relied on him to keep the darker parts of myself calm, and when he left, so did all of my control.
“Anyways…” Atlas sighs, leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms over his chest, falling back into the disapproving brother role he’s so good at. “Why are you at Silverwood, Fina? You were in the middle of classes at Black Veil University,” he points out, and I nod.
“Yes, and I transferred here,” I grumble, not liking how we’re talking about pointless topics. Obviously, I’m no longer enrolled at Black Veil if I’m here.
“Why?” Atlas clips, studying me with narrowed eyes.
“Is it too much to think I wanted to be around you? I missed you, Atlas,” I whisper, smiling softly and leaning forward. But Atlas’ scowl deepens.
“Stop being sweet. It's freaking scary. Now tell me the real reason you’re here,” he demands. I let my soft smile melt off my face, annoyance flickering as I glare back at him.
“I heard you and Gabe in his office. I wanted to help find the missing girls. And no,” I say when Atlas’ eyes widen in anger. “You can't do a damn thing about it. I’m twenty years old, Atlas. Not a small child who you can move around like a pawn on a chessboard. I can choose where I go to school. Besides, I really do miss you,” I add, not liking that he didn't believe that part. Sure, I was trying to butter him up a little, but that wasn't a lie.
“No other reason?” he asks suspiciously, and I frown, shaking my head, refusing to admit that when I heard Atlas was coming here, the thrill of having a reason to leave Black Veil was immense.
Even though I love my family and home, I need a place where I can be myself. I will always be Gabriel Covington’s—the head Councilman—deadly little sister back home, and a part of me wants to be myself without the built-in reputation. I’ll never be able to outrun my magic and the terrified looks I receive for them, but maybe… just maybe, moving halfway across the world will grant me a fresh start. Somewhere I don't have the heavy mantle of the Covington name and all it entails hanging over me.
Atlas clicks his tongue, bringing me back to our conversation. “Gabe wants you to go home.”
“That's nice,” I mutter, my voice cracking from using it more than usual.
“You need some water,” Atlas mutters, worry creasing his brow as I stand, already moving to the small fridge in the pocket-sized kitchen and grabbing one of the water bottles. I hold up an extra one, silently asking if he needs a drink, then toss it a little harder than necessary at his face when he nods. Atlas’ hand whips out, catching the bottle with ease and smirking at me as he cracks it open and takes a deep drink of the cold water.
“You don't understand the danger of you being here, Fina. Girls are going missing, not boys. From our information, it is suspected that the Demon activity is growing in the forest. Girls aren't just being taken and killed. They are being used to help summon dark magic. Gabe’s never going to allow you to stay here,” Atlas finally says after a few moments of blessed silence.
I shrug.
“Gabe can’t make me do anything. He's no longer my guardian. Besides, if there is something out there that I can’t handle, then we have bigger problems than me ditching Black Veil to come here.” Atlas reluctantly nods, and I smirk, knowing I’m starting to get through to him. “I want to help, Attie,” I whisper, my old nickname falling from my lips before I can think better of it. “I need to help. To feel useful,” I admit, then scowl, not liking how vulnerable that sounded. I just got to the point where I could start doing virtual counseling sessions, so I don't want Atlas to think I need more than that. “I feel like I could be useful. As you pointed out, girls are going missing. And at the risk of sounding conceited, there is not another Fae girl out there who has more defensive or deadly magic than I do,” I rasp, my voice slowly getting worse the more I talk.
I take another drink of water as Atlas sighs, but nods after he thinks it over.
“You’re right. I’ll call Gabriel, but I’m not promising anything where he’s concerned. I agree that you could be useful, and since we haven't had any luck in the last three years tracking down this serial killer, you being here would be beneficial,” he admits, and my brows shoot straight up into my hairline.
Shit, this has been going on for longer than I realized! How come Gabe hadn't done anything before now? That doesn't seem like him at all.
“As long as you promise to stick with me and don't go all vigilante…” he pauses, looking at me with a stern expression. I hold my hands up in the air and nod.
“I’m definitely not the hero in this story, Atlas. You know that as much as I do. I just want an opportunity to figure out what the hell happened to these girls. Some sick fuck is out there killing them like it's a game. I want to put an end to that. It’s time that the killer hiding in the dark has something to fear. I can be their monster.”
“Language,” Atlas chides, and I roll my eyes. Freaking Atlas… Always the proper older brother. “And you are NOT a monster. I don’t want to hear that again, Serafina.”
“Attie!” I snap, glaring at him when he only gives me a disapproving look.
“Fine. No stupid games, and you don't need to convince me. I’m glad to have you here, Fina,” he promises, a smile lingering on his lips as he nods. I breathe a sigh of relief, then frown when Atlas starts to chuckle. “But you will have to convince Gabriel on your own. I can call him and let him know I’ll watch out for you,” he starts, and I glare at him. “But you will have to convince him to let you stay,” he finishes as he shifts his legs out from under him and shimmies to the edge of the couch. Planting his hands on his wheelchair, Atlas lifts himself onto his seat, turning his back to me and effectively shutting down the conversation.
“You know that will never work,” I mutter under my breath, keeping my hoarse voice low so I don't aggravate it further. I’ll need to talk to teachers tomorrow, so I need to be careful. I purse my lips, wondering if I packed the tea one of my uncles gave me for Christmas. That would feel really good on my throat right now.
“You say you’re old enough to make your own decisions?” Atlas asks, and I nod. “Then you’re old enough to talk to Gabriel and make him see that. I’ll see you tomorrow in class, Serafina. I’ve taken the liberty of changing your course schedule so you’re in classes with the professors I know. You also have a new English teacher,” he says, then points to his chest when I give him a puzzled look.
Fuck. That class is going to suck. Atlas will purposely pick on me. I know he will.
“This way, I can keep track of your English grade. You’re currently sitting at seventy-three percent,” he scolds, mock outrage in his brown eyes. “That simply won’t do for my sister.”
I stare at him for a moment as he rolls his chair over to my door, then looks over his shoulder at me, waiting for my answer. I hold my hand up in front of me and slowly lift my middle finger in his direction, making him laugh and nod.
“See you in the morning, baby sister. I’ll email you your new schedule,” he says affectionately, his gold rings catching the light as he flicks his fingers, causing a burst of magic to rush through the room. The door clicks open, letting my brother out before it shuts on its own, and I huff under my breath before walking over to grab my phone and tabbing to Gabriel’s number. After a brief moment of hesitation, I scroll up to Danica’s name and hit the call button. I’m going to need backup for my cranky brother, and she’s the only one I know who will help me.