“Right. Well, I think Marjorie’s shop is open until midnight. We can go grab some sandwiches, but I don't have any clothes here. You don't, by chance, have anything that will fit me, do you?” he asks, and I snort, looking him up and down as I yank on my bra and panties.
“Doubtful,” I say, grabbing my tank top and leggings and tugging them on as quickly as possible as I try to figure out what he can wear.
“Cool. Streaking through the courtyard it is,” Teos says, popping his knuckles and grinning like a madman at the idea. My good mood instantly evaporates at the thought of any man or woman seeing Teos naked, and narrow my eyes on him.
“Or, you can shift and fly to your room,” I offer, but Teos is already shaking his head.
“Can’t. Not for a while, at least. I mean, I could if it was a life-or-death thing. But it takes a while to build up the magic I need to shift after a rebirth. My Phoenix is out of commission for roughly twenty-four hours.” My lips thin as I place my hands on my hips.
“You’re not running around here naked!” I grind out, my molars hurting from how hard I’m clenching my jaw. Black sparks dance at my fingertips, and the very thought and the need to rip someone's soul from their body is suddenly all I can think about. Teos steps toward me, hands outstretched, and I glare at him, stepping back. “Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind. I will kill someone if you do that. So if you want the murder of who knows how many unfortunate souls just because they saw you naked on your shoulders,” I shrug, not feeling remotely bad for my feelings. “Then that's up to you.”
Teos blinks at me a few times, trying to process my small heated speech before the biggest smile I’ve ever seen graces his face, and considering this is Teos, the man who is always smiling, that’s saying a lot.
“I’m not sure if I’m more turned on that you’re jealous and being possessive over me, or terrified that I find your casual mention of killing our fellow classmates a turn-on,” he says, walking over and taking me in his arms before leaning down and kissing me so hard I forget how to breathe.
I let myself melt into his warmth, sighing in blissed-out contentment when he breaks our kiss only to keep placing small kisses up and down my neck.
“As nice as this is, I’ve not changed my mind,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and clinging to him as I feel his erection grow against my belly.
“Would a blanket be enough protection? You can walk with me as a guard,” he teases and I scoff, then push myself from his arms, an idea forming.
“Wait. I think I have something that will fit you.” Rushing to the bathroom, I grab the blue satin robe I have hanging on the back of my door that my brother gifted to me last year for Christmas and go back into my room, holding the lightweight fabric out to him. “Here.”
“A dress?” he asks in confusion as he reaches out to take it.
“No. My robe. You would tear any dress I gave you. But this should be big enough to wrap around you and hide all your…” I wave my hand in the air, moving from his head to his toes. “Bits.”
“My bits?” he asks, shrugging the blue satin robe on and wrapping it around his thick chest. It barely has enough fabric to overlap at his chest, but thankfully his waist is thinner, and he can tie the robe closed. “I’ve never had my dick called my bits before,” he says with a chuckle as he nods and places his hands on his waist. “This is definitely my color. Does it make my ass look big?” he teases, spinning around and letting me get a good look at his behind which is barely covered.
Shit. I still might have to kill anyone who looks at him.
I can practically count his six-pack through the flimsy fabric of the robe, and the sleeves, which are loose and comfortable on me, are straining against the massive muscles of his shoulders and biceps. And where the robe hits my lower thigh when I wear it, it barely goes past Teos’ ass and groin area.
“Dammit. Why are you so hot? Lose that erection now! I swear I’ll kill anyone who sees it,” I snap, frustration clear in my voice as I turn and head out of my room, looking for some shoes I can slip on. Marjorie’s shop isn’t too far of a walk, but I’d rather not wear six-inch heels right now. Grabbing my favorite four-inch ones, I slip them on as Teos comes shuffling out in my robe and slippers. I glare down at his monster feet, stretching out my brand new pair of Louis Vuitton slippers I just bought, then shoot him a look that promises an early death.
“I need shoes!” he says with a grin, but it quickly fades as he looks down. “Wait, are you wearing heels?” he moans and shakes his head. “Bella, No! It's freaking eleven at night! Why the hell are you in heels?” I frown, looking down at my shoes and then back at the slippers on Teos’ feet. Two out of five toes are sticking out on the sides, and the black fabric looks like it’s about to give at the seams.
“I’m pretty sure your footwear looks more ridiculous than mine,” I reassure him, moving to open my door and waiting for him to walk out into the hall. I follow, locking my door behind me before stepping to his side. His hand instantly darts out and wraps around my waist, hauling me into his side and making it more difficult to walk. “You're impossible,” I grumble, my cheeks heating as he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of my head.
“That’s why you love me,” he chirps, and I tense at the mention of that word. Teos feels me freeze up and curses holding me tighter. “No! You can't go all badass-bitch-Serafina on me! Chill out! It was a joke,” he grumbles. I glare up at him, and he smiles.
“Did you just call me a bitch?” I ask, and he nods, not in the least bit ashamed.
“Yep. You are a badass-bitch. And that’s why I love you,” he says with a smirk as we head downstairs and through the blessedly empty lobby of my apartment building.
“I swear I’ll never talk to you again if you keep saying that word,” I grind out, elbowing him in the side hard enough that he grunts and lets me go as we trail out into the cold night. A thick layer of frost covers the grass of the courtyard, and thankfully Teos sticks to the walkways, leading us to the building where he lives.
“Lies,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes and shoving his giant hands in the tiny pockets of the silk robe he’s wearing. His black curls are messy, and he really does look like he’s been well and truly fucked. For some reason, that makes me immensely happy and I don’t even mind him calling me out on my lie. He knows as much as I do that I can't stay away from him, despite how much I try.
I startle when something cold falls on my nose and look up, blinking in surprise as I watch snowflakes lazily drift from the sky. The lamps that line the walkways are lit, illuminating the night sky, letting me see the small flakes fall to the ground, and I smile. It’s almost like someone pushes a mute button on the world when it snows. The crazy sounds of everyday life are muffled, and it almost feels like you're stuck in your own personal little snow globe.
“So what happened to snake-girl and the weirdo?” Teos asks, breaking my trance from the snow as I shoot him another glare. I swear, how does this man make me feel head over heels for him one moment and then make me want to strangle him the next?
“Adam and Neva are fine,” I clip out. “And Adam’s a friend who will be sticking around, so you better get used to him.”
“Are you saying you would choose him over me?” Teos asks, gasping playfully and I arch an unamused brow as we climb the steps to the dorms. This building is easily three times the size of my apartment building and there are two sets of doors you can go through.
“Without a doubt,” I confirm, making Teos’ smile turn into an angry little scowl.