Page 10 of A Spark Of Revenge

“Valen?” I ask in shock, dipping to help him get back to his feet.

“I think I need to rest,” he admits, starting forward again, this time staying on his feet. I nod in agreement and huddle close to his side, wanting to make sure he doesn't fall again, but also craving the warmth his body lends. After only a few more minutes, we stumble upon what looks like a tiny shack. It looks old and ominous, built against the side of the mountain with a large pine tree standing tall on either side of the makeshift building, but my sore body and aching head practically weep in relief at the sight.

Valen’s shoulders slump in relief when we open the door and step into the shack. His arm moves from my hand to wrap around my waist, keeping me a little behind him as his eyes sweep the small space for any danger. At his nod, I rush over to the tiny counter, where I spot a kerosene lantern and matches; I need some more light so that I can check over Valen a little better. I grab the tiny box of matches and pray they aren't damp as Valen shuffles to the other side of the shack. I exhale sharply when the smallest flame ignites and lights the lantern, bringing our shelter into full view for the first time.

I grimace at the lack of a fireplace and bathroom, but nod when I spot a small bed in the far corner of the shack. It’s small, but has piles of blankets and pillows that are folded and stacked neatly on top. My stomach growls, and I belatedly realize I haven't eaten anything since before I went looking for Creed, but the exhaustion I feel far outweighs my hunger.

Valen slowly moves around the small room to make sure the wooden shutters on the windows are secure. Then he stumbles over to the door, latching it and nodding in approval before moving back to the side of the bed and sitting with a heavy sigh. Exhaustion radiates off him as he rests his head in his hands and releases a deep breath.

Turning up the wick for a larger flame, I move toward him, my eyes taking in every detail of the beautiful man before me, soaking in his presence, and, for the first time, actually grasping the concept that I’m in a room with Valen! Not a dream… but a room… in real life. We are both awake and together. I can't tell if I'm excited, nervous, or going to be sick. Valen's head lifts when he hears me approach, his tired eyes catch mine as I move toward the bed and sink to my knees in front of him. Worry quickly replaces everything I had been feeling.

“What do you need?” I reach out and press my hand to his much warmer one, making him frown and clasp my trembling hands in his, shaking his head in frustration.

“I need you to be less fragile. How are you this cold? Your fingers are frozen, Mi Sol.” I laugh because what else am I supposed to do?

“I’ll work on that.” I chuckle, pulling my hands from his. “But I need you to tell me what you need so that I can get it. You said you need rest, right? To replenish your energy? What about the tree thing you did back at the church? Should we go hunt down a tree?” Valen’s soft-looking lips twist into the smallest of smiles, and he sighs before leaning forward, scooping me up off the floor and twisting in the bed, lying us both down with my back tucked snuggly against his chest. “Ummm,” is all I get out as my brain short circuits at the feeling of his strong arms enveloping me.

My body ignites at his gentle touch. I want to sink into him and let him keep me warm and safe, but that thought scares me almost as much as the idea of actually moving away from him. The last time I trusted a man, it didn’t turn out so well. The betrayal that I feel from Creed still stings… No, it more than stings. It's like a throbbing wound, pulsing with every beat of my heart. And that doesn't even come close to the confusion and agony that threatens to take over at the thought of Theo. My first friend here. The man who has been with me from the beginning and had quickly become more of a brother than a friend. The look of fear and pain that crossed his face as he stood in front of Jordan and me, eyes glassy, but not lifting a hand to stop Lennox as he took over the castle.

But Valen being here, holding me so close, helps take that edge off. I can't help but close my eyes and relax into him, letting him take my pain for just a little while. The crisp, fresh scent of winter air and citrus wafts around me, and my eyes suddenly feel extremely heavy.

“I need rest, but I’m not in dire need of energy. Removing the energy from a living thing would be cruel and pointless when a few hours of sleep would cure my problems. You’re cold and tired… and I’m pretty sure you're injured more than you realize, so I think a nap is in order for the both of us,” Valen whispers, his feet moving as I hear the thump of boots being kicked off the end of the bed.

I follow suit, toeing off my shoes as gracefully as possible while being held against Valen. If I move too far back, I’ll grind my ass into his crotch, and I don't want him thinking I'm desperate. But if I lean too far forward, I might tumble off the narrow bed and onto the floor.

“Yeah. I think that's probably a good idea,” I croak out, my heart pounding as Valen adjusts, getting more comfortable on the bed before snagging a large pillow and placing it under his head. Next, a heavy quilt is tugged over us, and I twist, moving to snag a pillow of my own, but Valen's arms tighten, and he tsks under his breath.

“I need you right where you are,” he whispers, lips pressed against the shell of my ear when he dips his head down, warm breath feathering over my neck, making me shiver in response. “Don't leave. Please.”

“I’m not. I was only grabbing a pillow for myself,” I explain, turning a little so that I can look at him. Valen frowns and shakes his head, then slowly turns me, his hand firm on my waist like he’s afraid I’ll bolt if he lets me go. I twist, allowing him to move my body until I lay facing him while he shifts to his back, reaching into a large pocket along his ribs to pull out several wicked looking daggers and tuck them beneath his pillow. Ok, I really want some of those.

My focus is drawn back to Valen and I roll my lips together, my eyes roaming over his chest, then up his long neck to a well-defined jaw where the lightest of blond stubble grows. The impulse to run my hands up and down every part of Valen’s body is strong, and I ball my fists to stifle it. What the hell is wrong with me? I have always been attracted to Valen, but being with him in real life has somehow magnified my feelings, and it's intense and terrifying.

Suddenly, he sits forward, bringing our faces so close I gasp, hoping he will kiss me. But instead of his lips pressing against mine, his hand runs down my thigh, grasping under my knee and maneuvering my body until my leg hooks up and over his hip and my head rests comfortably on his chest. I blink at the sudden change in position and hold my breath when I realize our crotches are lined up, with only a few layers of clothing separating us.

“I’ll be your pillow,” Valen rasps, his hand stroking down some of my wild hair as he tucks the blankets around us.

“Okay.” My voice is strained and breathy, and I know he notices from the deep chuckle that echoes through his chest, the deep vibrations rolling from his body to mine and shooting straight to my clit, making me bite my lip to stifle the moan that tries to break free. Big arms cord around my middle as Valen hugs me to him.

“This is okay?” He words it as a question, letting me know that if I have a problem, we can move, and I can only nod. Because hell yes, this is more than acceptable! Valen huffs a little, and I can feel him nod, resting his head on top of mine for a moment before drawing back. “Sleep, Meyer. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

I nod again because it seems like Valen has stolen my ability to talk and wonder how the hell I’m going to be able to sleep being this close to him. But after only a moment, my eyelids drop, Valen's steady heartbeat like a lullaby to my senses, his even breathing soothes my frazzled nerves. Before I know it, I drift off into a deep sleep, wrapped in the arms of my dream man.



Iworry my lip as I trail after a raging Nox, Razar trotting at his side like a damn demonic puppy as we pass through the castle gates. I grimace as I see some of Razar’s thick, dark venom drip onto the cobbles of the path, hissing as it corrodes the stone. He really needs to learn to control that. The night is still dark, though dawn is quickly approaching, making my anxiety hitch at the thought of Meyer stumbling around somewhere out there in the dark. I run my hands through my worry-mussed curls and let out a small growl of frustration.

I knew the moment Nox opened his stupid mouth and told her to run it would break all the trust we had built with her over the last few weeks. Even though I know why Nox had done what he had, why he let her run and gave chase, it doesn't mean that I approve or even forgive him for fucking everything up.

I watch my younger brother as he paces, his claws clicking together in agitation when he makes it to the steps of the castle, only to turn and stride back toward me. Lennox’s red eyes are wild, pupils so thin that I almost can't make them out. His beast has taken over, and at this point, I’m unsure if Lennox or Razar is more dangerous to the Hunters that linger in the courtyard, dragging the bodies of the dead away while eyeing us with a hint of wariness.

Nox’s shifted form has grown since the last time I saw it and will continue to get stronger and deadlier with time. As Crown Prince to the Versipellis throne, Nox will be its greatest weapon. All Kings and their heirs hold the ability to shift into some kind of beast. My father's shift is more Serpentine in nature, with green scales and venom deadlier than any earthly snake I have come across. Nox’s beast seems to take after a Dragon more. His horns and wings are almost identical to the beasts that live in the far corners of our world, and his strength is unsurpassed. Nox stills for a moment in front of me, smoke billowing from his nostrils. I look up at his towering form and raise an unimpressed eyebrow.

“Say something,” he practically bellows, saliva flying from his intimidating maw. I roll my eyes pointedly, wiping my cheek and flicking the spittle off to the side.

“This is your fault,” I reply, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible. I know these are not the words he wants to hear, but they are the ones I know he needs. Nox has been making bad decision after bad decision ever since Meyer showed up at the castle. And this time, he fucked up, no matter what he thinks or how his instincts were pressing him. Yes, I knew we would need to use Meyer to break into the church and hopefully find the key that we are all so desperately looking for, but things could have been handled in a better way.