Page 56 of A Spark Of Revenge

“How old are you?” There is a moment's pause before she finally answers.

“Thirty-six,” she whispers, voice firm, making me pause as I rinse off my leg. I mentally do the math, remembering how Theo told me he was nineteen. If Elaine is only thirty-six, that means…

“And Theo is nineteen?” I ask, needing to make sure I have the right information. I look at her, finding her soft brown eyes on my face, her expression serene as I piece together what I’m assuming is a horrendous path.

“Have you been taught of the breeding rings the Siberians started?” Elaine asks, and I nod. “My father was Senior Axford,” she starts, then sighs, sitting up on the bed and crossing her legs under her dress, getting more comfortable. “We both know he wasn't a good man. He was one of the Siberian's biggest investors and sent several of our young women to them in order to find the best genetic matches that might produce strong bloodlines. More and more Hunters were birthing children without the sight, and they were trying to fix that. I was sixteen when my father sent me overseas to be tested. Four months later, I came home… a married woman,” Elaine admits. Her words make my stomach drop, my heart clenching for Elaine to be forced into marriage that young.

“Theo and Cali were born a year later. They are my saving grace. My father intended for me to be a broodmare. My only duty was to give Laurant as many strong babies as he wanted, but there were complications with the kids’ birth. I had to have a full hysterectomy when I hemorrhaged.” Elaine laughs, but it's a dark, cold one, her eyes sparkling with anger. “I have never been so thankful for something in my entire life. My father hated Theo and Cali for costing him more Hunters. He was mad that I was now damaged goods and a waste of a female. But my kids granted me life. Since I couldn't be used for breeding purposes, I was able to stay a Hunter,” she explains, then smiles as I gape at her.

“I-I’m so sorry,” I finally wheeze out, unsure what to say after all that. I knew Theo had a sister who was Fracti, as the Seniorem likes to call giftless Hunters, but I didn't realize he was a twin. Elaine shrugs, then swings her feet back down to the ground and walks over, grabbing the towel hanging nearby and opening it so I can stand up and cover myself.

“I’m not,” she admits as she walks back over to Creed’s dresser and scowls, rummaging through all his clothes and shaking her head. “All these are too big,” she grumbles, slamming the drawers shut.

“How did you survive here this whole time? I’ve only been here for almost two months, and I feel like I might go crazy,” I admit, walking over to grab the first shirt I see, not really caring if it's too big. The day is shot as it is, and I feel like crap. I’m not planning on leaving this room until I have to tomorrow.

“How do you wake up in the morning and go to Ranger training even after everything that happened to you? We do what we have to so we survive, Meyer. Men may dominate our world, but they don't have to choose how we live our lives. You could have run the moment you came back here and found Jordan. But you're still here. You didn't let the men in your life chase you off,” she points out, and I frown. “You’re strong, Meyer. While you may be at a disadvantage right now because of your lack of knowledge and training, you won't be for long. Find your allies, figure out who you can trust, and then show those boys who's really in charge. Because I can tell you right now, it won't be them.”

She smiles down at me, and this time, it's easy to return it. “Right,” she mutters, clasping her hands together and looking at the shirt I threw over my head. “There is a big dinner tonight for all the Hunters and Rangers. Nox has the cooks working double-time to make a massive feast. He wants to bring the bloodlines together and prove to them that they are stronger as one. And I need a wingwoman,” she murmurs, leaning back to look me up and down. “I may have something that will work. Put those shoes on and come with me,” she says with a devious smile, waiting for me to toe on my boots before she takes my hand and pulls me toward Creed’s door.

“Where are we going?” I ask in confusion as she pulls me into the hall, tugging me after her as we make our way downstairs.

“To make your boys realize who is in charge here,” she responds with a laugh.



“I’m not wearing this,” I hiss under my breath as I look at myself in the full-length mirror in Elaine's bedroom. “My boobs are about to fall out!”

“That's the point of the gown, Meyer,” Elaine drawls as she comes out of her enormous closet, pulling on a pair of elbow-length gloves. Her rich burgundy gown swirls around her feet as she glides toward me, and I scowl, trying to figure out how she manages to look so elegant while walking in the deadly-looking four-inch heels she has on. I would be flat on my freaking face if I tried to do that.

“And why are we wearing gowns to dinner? We haven't had to since I got to this stupid castle,” I grumble, kicking at the dark green satin of the dress Elaine forced me into before meticulously curling my hair so that it fell in big, full waves down my back. She even added three tiny braids on one side with silver charms woven in.

“Because it's Christmas Eve, and we always have a formal ball. Usually only sworn-in Hunters and their spouses come to the formal dinners the Seniorem puts on, but since it's Christmas, the Rangers are expected to attend as well,” Elaine says, grabbing a tube of lipstick and walking over, standing next to me as she applies it onto her lips.

“Christmas?” I gasp, trying to figure out how the hell I didn't realize that it was Christmastime already.

“Here, you need some more color,” she says, passing me the lipstick before glancing down at my chest. “Are you wearing a bra? Meyer, the dress has a built-in corset. You're ruining the lines by keeping that on.” Suddenly, Elaine’s hands move to the silver clasps running down the center of the corset, undoing them before shoving the dress off my shoulders and unclasping my bra with a simple flick of her fingers.

“Jesus, woman. You have no personal boundaries, do you?” I mutter, hands flying to my boobs to hold my bra in place as I peel it off my arms and wiggle back into the dress, clasping it back up while throwing Elaine a dirty look. Honestly, I’m not mad about it, just… shocked. I’m not used to having people around me like this. I wonder if this is what it would be like if my mom were still alive. Elaine winces, blushing a little while shooting me an apologetic smile.

“Sorry. I’m used to just… getting things done. I’ll try to refrain,” she adds, and I snort, rolling my eyes as I grab the lipstick I dropped when Elaine stripped me, then apply some of the champagne-colored makeup to my lips.

“It’s fine,” I mutter, turning to hand her the lipstick before glancing back at my reflection. I’m not used to seeing myself like this, and I’ve never worn a gown like this before. It's beautiful, the full green satin skirt billows around my feet, swirling at my every move. And the black leather corset gives it an almost bad-ass vibe, while pushing my cleavage up so high, I’m worried one wrong move, and I’ll get bitch-slapped in the face by my tits.

Elaine suddenly appears in the mirror behind me, her hands falling on my shoulders as she grins, eyes twinkling as she gives me a once over. She’s taller than normal, standing at least seven or eight inches taller than me, and I sigh, shaking my head in amusement. Back home, I was on the taller side for a girl. In fact, it was almost impossible to find a guy that made me feel small. But here, it's the complete opposite problem.

“You look absolutely stunning, Meyer. Those Regalis brothers won't know what hit them,” she whispers, squeezing my shoulders softly as I look at her own burgundy dress. She has silver armor details on her shoulders and chest, which are intricately designed with feminine swirls, curving under her breasts and making them look amazing.

“Red and green,” I muse out loud, looking between our dresses with a smirk. “We look like Christmas threw up on us.” Elaine lets out an unlady-like snort, making me grin as someone knocks at her door.

“Ah, right on time, as always,” she says, walking over to grab a clutch before grabbing a beautiful golden kalis and lifting the skirt of her gown, tucking it into a black leather thigh holster hidden there.

“And here I thought you survived up here on your wit alone,” I tease, making Elaine shoot me a grin.

“A smart woman learns to use all her assets in order to survive,” she admits with a wink before sitting up and readjusting her breasts, pulling them up even higher as she walks to the door. “And for my own safety,” she whispers, grabbing the knob and looking at me before she opens the door. “I want you to know I’m not doing this for my escort, and in return, I would ask you to kindly keep your hands to yourself tonight,” she murmurs, her smile suddenly gone as she eyes me carefully, then turns and opens the door, revealing the two men standing on the other side of the door waiting on us.

“Ah! Lennox, dear. Thank you for offering to escort me to dinner,” Elaine says with a soft smile, her eyes moving from Lennox to the enormous man standing slightly behind him, an angry scowl set heavy on his dark brow. “Victor,” she greets with a slight blush, and my eyes widen in realization.