Page 54 of A Spark Of Revenge

“Yes. Do you remember anything else?” he asks, ducking down so he can look into my eyes.

“I, no… Wait, yes. I saw…” I frown and look around the room, shaking my head as my foggy thoughts begin to clear. The snow in my shoe… the blue dress. A man who looked like Razar but definitely wasn’t… the Beastia and—Fuck!

“Oh! Oh, shit! Where’s Nox?” I shove out of Creed's arms, pushing Valen out of the way, and run from the room as memories of the Beastia attacking assault my mind. The way it felt when its teeth clamped down on my shoulder… How I was shaken and tossed to the ground like a rag doll. I trip over my feet, almost falling, but catch myself on the wall as I keep running through the quiet halls of the Ranger barracks. Once I turn the corner, I spot Nox’s opened office door and rush in without a second thought.

I skid to a stop as I take in the scene in front of me, my heart clenching, my stomach dropping as bile rushes up my throat, making a cold shiver race down my spine. Nox is holding Elaine in his arms as she cries, nodding and whispering something in her ear as she looks up at him. She smiles, with her elegant gown rustling around their feet as she nods back and reaches up to wipe at her tears. I gasp, then slap my hand over my mouth when Nox stiffens and turns, his arms still around Elaine just as Theo’s mom gasps, her mouth dropping open in shock.

“Meyer?” Nox murmurs as Elaine pushes out of his arms, rushing around his desk toward me.

“Oh! Oh, Meyer, sweetheart! What happened?” she asks, concern etched on her beautiful face as I step back from her and bump into Valen's chest as his arms wind around me.

“Mi Sol. Don't run off like that,” he chides gently in my ear, but I have a hard time processing his words as I stare at Nox. His long black hair is pulled back from the front of his face, twisted and braided in an intricate pattern, making him look like the Viking I always compare him to.

He stands there, head tilted to the side as he studies me, his frown deepening as I try to regain some brain function. What the hell did I just see? Why was Nox holding Elaine in his arms? And why am I now hurt and… mad? No, I’m not mad, I’m pissed off. Nox suddenly arches a brow, amusement crossing his dark features for a moment, and I suddenly remember that this asshat could read emotions.

Fury burns in my belly as I glare at Nox, watching as his chest puffs out, and his lips quirk to the side as he pulls his chair out from behind his desk and sits. Then he leans back, relaxed as hell, acting like he wasn't just caught with his big, lying hands on Theo’s mom. And to think I was worried about this giant prick!


Elaine's small hands land on my shoulders and I flinch, not prepared for her touch, just as Creed rushes in after Valen and looks from me to Nox, then frowns. “I was only thirty seconds behind her, Lennox. How did you piss her off already?”

“Creed, dear. Please explain to me why Meyer is covered in blood?” Elaine practically shouts, making Creed wince and look at Nox for guidance. “I did not ask Lennox. I asked you!” Elaine snaps, and I swallow and shake my head.

“I’m fine, Elaine. Not a scratch on me,” I assure her before pulling myself from Valen's arms and leaving Lennox’s office, needing space from the bastard. I rush back to Creed's room, ignoring the people who shout after me, and go directly to the small mirror hanging on the wall next to Creed's bathtub, and I gasp when I see my reflection. My hair is a rusty dark brown color, with so much dried blood in it that I can hardly see any blonde. I have dried streaks of blood that run down my face, neck, and chest. I stare at the black sports bra holding my tits in place and realize I just ran out there without a freaking shirt on!

“Jesus, I’m a mess,” I whisper, wiping a hand over my face while I stare at the blood covered version of myself in the mirror. “Valen and I just had our first kiss… and I look like I just walked off the set of The Walking Dead.”

“Mi Sol?” Valen whispers, walking into the room, Creed and Elaine hot on his heels. “Let's get you bathed. You’ll feel better after that,” he suggests, and I stare at him for a moment, then laugh, making his blond brows draw together in confusion.

“Out. Both of you,” Elaine snaps, stalling my laughter while shoving Creed in the chest, pushing him out the door before rounding on Valen, who eyes her with a disapproving look. “She needs a moment, and if you care about her at all, you’ll give it to her,” Elaine snaps when Valen doesn't move. His pale green eyes flash to me, a question in his eyes, and I hesitantly nod. I honestly could use a second to get my shit back together here. I still feel hungover, and my body is sore.

Valen's jaw tenses, but he nods. “I’ll be in Nox’s office when you're done,” he whispers, reaching out to run a finger over the back of my hand before he turns and leaves the room.

“Elaine. You have no idea what's going on here,” Creed complains from the doorway. “You can't just insert yourself in the situation and kick me out of my own…” Elaine glares at Creed and slams the door in his face before he can finish talking, then sighs, turning toward me while shaking her head.

“I have no idea how you handle those boys on your own. Just dealing with Nox is a lot,” she admits with a smile that I have a hard time returning. I’m not sure why I’m so upset over finding Nox and Elaine together, but the sight shocked me, and I don't know what to do with the anger and frustration of it all.

“They are a lot,” I agree, looking down at my body and wrinkling my nose in disgust. “I need a shower,” I mutter, and Elaine nods in agreement, then gestures over to the empty bathtub.

“I saw Theo out in the hall on my way down and instructed some boys to bring up some water so we can get you cleaned up,” she says softly, her brown eyes watching me carefully as I push at a crusty piece of my hair that's stuck to my shoulder.

The skin there is smooth, not even a small scar to be found. I have no idea how Nox healed me so well, but I am grateful for it. With the amount of blood on me and the bed, I must have been in worse shape than I thought.

“May I ask what happened to put you in that state?” she asks cautiously, walking over to the privacy screen nearby and grabbing the towel I hung on it to dry after my bath yesterday.

“Uh, I walked into Nox’s dreams, and things turned… well, bloody,” I say absentmindedly, then look up when I hear the towel Elaine is holding fall to the ground. She's staring at me with wide eyes as she looks from my dirty hair to my hands, then over my chest before she nods and smiles, reaching down to grab the towel she dropped before walking back over to me.

“I didn't realize you held enough magic to dream walk. That's a unique gift, even amongst the Demons,” she admits, and I scowl at her.

“How long have you known I was a Demon?” The words come out harsher than I intended them to, and Elaine arches a perfectly plucked brow at me in response. “Sorry,” I mutter, ducking my head, feeling properly chastised even though I know I’m in full right to ask that question. It seems like everyone knew I was a Demon but me. Well, Theo and Jordan, too.

“Lennox told me the night before everything happened, and it was only because I overheard him and Creed talking about sending your blood tests to his father to make sure everything would be okay if they needed to use you,” she murmurs, then looks at the door just before someone knocks. Holding out the towel to me, I take it before she walks over to the door, opening it enough to talk to someone, then look over her shoulder at me. “Meyer, dear,” she whispers, nodding at the screen in a silent gesture for me to get behind it before she lets anyone into the room.

Rushing over, I stand there, listening to Theo's deep voice as he and a few others bring several pails of water into the room. “Just leave them there, boys. I’ll dump them in when I need to,” she instructs.

“Where’s Meyer?” Theo asks, and I smile when his mom clicks her tongue at him.

“What are you, her keeper? Meyer will find you when she's ready. You go find Jordan and make sure he’s alright. He was looking a little sad this morning. What happened?” Theo sighs, and I strain my ears to listen to their quiet conversation as the rest of the boys who brought in water leave the room.