“I can’t yet,” I announce, making Valen look at me in surprise. “There is someone still at the Umbra Castle that I need to get out. He’s in trouble,” I explain, and Valen instantly shakes his head.
“It's too dangerous. You can’t—” I cut him off, holding up a hand and glaring at him when a stubborn look crosses his face.
“I’m going to stop you right there. I won’t leave without Jordan, and nothing you say is going to change my mind. So you can either come with me or head down the mountain and go on your merry way,” I say with a shrug, finding my boots that I had kicked off last night and putting them back on. It's silent as I lace them up while trying to ignore how the thought of Valen leaving so soon after I got him back leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I push the thought away and stand, turning to look back at the man who is practically fuming on the other side of the room.
Valen's face darkens when our eyes meet, and when I say darkens, it's not just with anger. Like his whole damn face shifts, his skin and eye color darkening as he regards me coolly, and the first bite of nerves prickles at my mind.
Should I really trust this man? I hardly know him, and besides the insane attraction I feel for him, I don't truly know who Valen is. I shouldn't trust him like this. My mind reels and I mentally kick myself at that last thought. Because that statement is not true, Valen is the one who gave me the answers no one else would at the Castle. He’s the one who told me about Dream Walking and saved me from the Demons more than once. He kept me safe, then risked everything so that I could run and be safe from the Seniorem.
I purse my lips as I watch the tall man in front of me. His shoulders are deadly still, and he has a dangerous aura coming off him that makes me want to run from him. But the sick little voice in my head wonders what it would be like if he caught us. If I threw myself into that darkness instead of running like my senses tell me to.
“Hmm,” is all Valen says, his nostrils flaring as he studies me with cold precision. His eyes move from my eyes to my neck, where they linger for longer than I would think normal, then trail down my body and land on my fists, which are balled at my sides. I swallow the lump that suddenly appears in my throat when Valen doesn't immediately answer.
I really hope he doesn't take the second option and leave me high and dry up here. Even though I like to talk a big game, I’m honestly drowning in a world I know nothing about. I'm scared, and without Valen, I’m worried I won't make it out of this alive. Pain suddenly pricks at my heart and the thought of him leaving me behind is too much, making my breath hitch as I stare at him.
“I-I’m sorry. But I can’t leave without him,” I whisper, my voice shakier than I would like. “The Castle was attacked last night. It's now under the control of Demons, and Jordan is being held there.” Valen's shock at my words is evident, and he frowns but only shakes his head as some of his anger bleeds from him as well as the darkness.
“Why are you apologizing to me?” Valen asks, his voice cold, but his body is relaxing a little, not as stiff as it had been only moments before.
“Uh, you were mad,” I point out.
“I was and I still am, though probably not about what you think. However, that doesn't mean you should apologize. Did you do anything wrong?” he questions, and I frown, confused as hell.
“I suppose not. But I didn't mean to make you upset,” I add, and Valen sighs, shaking his head as he closes his eyes, muttering something I can't make out under his breath.
Well, shit. This is the first time I’ve made someone mad by apologizing for making them… well, mad. And they say women are complicated.
Valen finally looks up, and with a weary look, he nods. “I’m sorry, Mi Sol. I overreacted. Our people…” he trails off like he’s trying to find the right words. “The fact that another Dream Walker is alive, that you are here with me, is a miracle. There aren’t many of us left, and the instinct to bundle you up and run away is strong. I’ll try to tamp down the instinct, though I make no promises.”
“Dream Walkers are rare?” I ask, frowning. I mean, that makes sense since I haven't met another one besides Valen.
“Extremely,” Valen mutters, shoulders relaxing a little more as he takes a deep breath. I want to ask him more questions, but he keeps talking before I can. “Fine, we will go to the castle and save this Jordan,” Valen agrees, and I smile in excitement. “But only if you agree to come back home with me,” he adds, holding out a finger to stall my joy at his declaration.
“Go home with you? Like to the safe house you were talking about?” I ask in confusion, and Valen shakes his head.
“No. I’ve been gone a long time, and I’m sure my family is worried by now. I need to go to them, but I don't want to leave you behind. I will go with you and retrieve your friend, but I need you to agree to come with me when we are done,” Valen bargains, and I arch a brow.
“You like making deals, don’t you?” I tease. The smile that lights up Valen's face knocks the breath from my lungs as he chuckles and slowly walks over to my side.
“I do,” he admits. “Now, do we have a deal, Mi Sol?” he asks, and I wrinkle my nose.
“Can we stop in Idaho and grab my cat first? I’m worried about him, and I can't leave him alone,” I admit, worried it might be asking him too much, but Valen nods immediately. “Then, yes.” I offer Valen my hand to shake while grinning up at him. “You have yourself a deal.”
Valen’s eyes twinkle with delight as he takes my hand. Instead of shaking it as I thought he would, he tugs me to his side, a predatory smile lighting his face as he leans close to me.
“Meyer,” he rasps, taking me off guard when he uses my real name instead of one of the nicknames he gave me. “Would you really have left me to go to the castle on your own?” he asks, his voice so deep it's almost a growl.
“I have to find Jordan,” is all I can say because, yes. I would have left, even if I didn’t want to. Valen growls under his breath, and I blink up at him in surprise.
“That's why you were mad? Because I said I would leave without you?” I ask in shock.
“Yes,” Valen clips out, eyes still dark as his arms cord around me. “I don't like that you would so easily leave. Don't say that again,” he grumbles, acting totally unreasonable, but I only smile at his odd show of possessiveness. I don't want to think about or unpack what that says about me, when Valen’s words should be a massive red flag, but hell. He’s my best shot right now, so I'm taking it and holding on as tight as I can.
“Close your eyes,” he whispers, his voice melodic, making me immediately shut my eyes, craving to obey his every word. Something shifts, and his body presses more firmly to mine as frosty air around us swirls. But before I can gasp in surprise, something soft brushes over my forehead, and Valen's warm breath whispers across my skin. “It's safe to look, Mi Sol.”
I open my eyes and gape in wonder as I stare down at the massive castle below. Valen has somehow transported us to a ledge that overlooks the Umbra Hunter Castle. The scene is a picturesque view as large, fluffy snowflakes drift lazily through the morning air. The Castle is built into the side of the mountain, its main gates facing out toward the small clearing that slopes down the mountain. I can see the Hunters moving about the courtyard, several going into the castle while others head to the horse barn, and I can't help but notice this is the most lively the Castle has ever been since I’ve been here.
My thoughts move to the Regalis brothers; my heart and head are at war with each other as I try to figure out how I feel. Now that I'm not being chased and having my world upended for the second time in only a matter of weeks, I can see how I should have gathered more information. However, there is no explaining away the fact that Lennox and Razar are most definitely Demons. Creed probably is as well, and they killed the Seniors and took over the Castle. That part honestly doesn't faze me. Even if Lennox is as bad as he looks at this moment, he can’t be much worse than Senior Axford. Besides, Lennox was saving humans, not killing them.