Page 11 of A Spark Of Revenge

If Nox had only tried to communicate with Meyer… if he had taken his self-righteous head out of his ass for only a moment, he would have seen how Meyer was already questioning the Seniorem. Hell, she had already asked if Demons were all bad. I know we could have reasoned with her and convinced her to help us!

Nox snarls in response, his clawed hands flexing at his side as he tries to control his anger. “How is this my—” but I cut him off before he can finish that ridiculous sentence.

“Do you really think I don't know what you were doing? Well, guess what, brother,” I sneer, stepping closer to him and going up on my toes so that I didn't look so tiny next to his hulking body. “She got away from you. She not only outsmarted you, but she is now completely gone. There’s no way to track her. No way to ensure she is safe. You. Are. Unworthy,” I seethe, my anger boiling over as Nox clenches his jaw and shakes his head, refusing to accept what I have said.

“There was someone in that building with her! I heard him! She didn't get away on her own, meaning the ritual is not over,” Nox snarls, and I release a cold laugh.

“There was only Dream Walker magic! You were hearing things,” I yell back, shaking my head in frustration. “And even if you had caught her, do you really think she would accept you? You overgrown, two-faced bastard! I was dating her, and you started a fucking mating ritual in the middle of a fucking war!” I roar, then stupidly swing my fist at his ugly face.

The courtyard of the castle, which is bustling with life despite the late hour—or early hour now, I suppose—suddenly stills at my outburst and attack. And I have the smug satisfaction of taking my brother off-guard enough that he doesn't have the time to block my hit. I lean all of my weight and demonic strength into my punch, hitting Nox squarely across the jaw and making him stumble back in surprise.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I yell, moving to launch myself at him, but before I can move, a heavy weight slams into my back, taking me off my feet and sending me flying through the air. I crash into a particularly hard bank of ice and gasp as the air rushes from my body. Big paws slowly prowl toward me, and I smile, my lip throbbing as warm blood drips down my chin. “You finally going to kill me?” I taunt Razar. Honestly, this is probably one of the stupidest things I have ever done. Demon Razar would love to spill my blood, and most days, I'm pretty sure he would be fine if I died. But Beastia Razar? Yeah, he would tear my throat out without hesitation.

“Razar, back down,” Nox roars, making the beast still only feet from me, his head bent low, hackles up as he stalks me like I was going to be his next meal.

“Sure, now you're acting reasonable,” I say with a gasp, trying to get my lungs working again. “Why not let him kill me? You know she will never choose you with me around,” I snarl. His wince tells me the words slice deep, and I wonder if this will be the final straw to break my family. My brothers and I have been through so much over the years, we’ve had each other's backs at every twist and turn. But that all changed when one of us was taken; then Archer was killed, what little bond we had left shattered. The three of us who remained have been playing make believe, acting as if we are okay when, in all reality, nothing has been the same since we left home.

Father said that this mission would bond us and bring us closer than ever. I scoff and slowly push myself back to my feet. If father could only see us now, I know the disappointment he would feel would be heavy.

“I didn't start the ritual, Credence,” Lennox snarls, but his voice isn't as deep as it had been before as he walks toward me, his hand outstretched as he beckons Razar to his side. “Meyer did, the night that we saved that male at the rift before the Legion of Beastia attacked. There was a moment outside the castle where…” Lennox trails off and shakes his head. “I kissed her, and her magic flared. I didn't realize what had happened, but with my ability to heal her and with our compatible scents.” Nox shrugs, his shoulders slowly shrinking, losing the bulky muscles as he releases his demonic form. “I didn't even realize what she had done until I saw you kissing her that day before the Ranger games. My beast almost came out and wanted to tear your head off your body. So when he saw her tonight, I couldn't stop.” His clothes hang off his scarred body in tatters, his shift back to a man completed.

I shake my head, refusing to believe what Nox is saying. Meyer wouldn't have started the ritual. She hates Nox!

“She’s mine,” I snap, feeling the rightness of the words deep within. Lennox purses his lips and shakes his head. “You knew how I felt about her!” I roar when Nox says nothing else. “You said you would stay out of my way!”

“That was before I realized who she was to me! What she was! She picked me, and you need to back off,” Nox says way too calmly. He’s acting out of character, and I’m unsure how to handle him. Nox throws tantrums, he snarls and yells, and he’s always mad! But this weird, calm version of him has me confused as hell.

“Meyer has no idea what she did. She still doesn’t know what she is. It was a mistake that she will fix the moment she realizes what happened,” I point out, and finally, Nox reacts, his jaw clenching and eyes blazing with anger.

“I won’t allow that to happen,” he snarls, the calm fading as fury crosses his face. Razar growls at his side, and I shoot him a dirty look.

“You won't have a say!” I snap and turn on my heel, moving toward the castle once more. None of this matters until we have Meyer back, and right now, she is somewhere out there alone and in danger. I need to find her, but I have to figure out where she might be hiding out.

“Where are you going?” Nox snarls, his heavy footsteps following me as I rush up the steps and burst through the large double doors of the castle. Every candle is lit, illuminating the perfectly carved stone of the castle with golden hues. The rugs are rolled out, and people are moving around, dusting the shelves and tables, polishing everything until it reflects the light of the candles, bringing the once magnificent castle back to life. The Umbra Hunters are about to have their history corrected, their knowledge advanced, and their way of life restored to its former glory.

It's been centuries since the Royal heirs of Versipellis walked the halls of the North American stronghold. Centuries since our ancestors cut all ties with the Hunters we created in an attempt to let them live and govern themselves. But as it turns out, humans like power too much. It calls to a weaker side of them they can’t ignore, and they need to be reminded that stealing magic from those who created them has dire consequences. The once great race of Hunters has been driven by corruption for too long. They sacrifice the very beings they were created to protect, wasting human lives to gain stolen magic.

That all stops now.

“To figure out where the hell Meyer would go,” I growl back at Nox, frustration clear in my tone. I’d felt the weak spell weaving through the air just moments before Meyer disappeared, and I know she didn't go far. Meyer is still on this mountain, and I’m determined to find her and beg her forgiveness before it's too late.

“How?” Nox shouts after me, more curious than angry this time.

“We may not know her well enough to guess where she would go to seek shelter, but there are two other people who might,” I respond, making Nox’s footsteps falter for a moment before he rushes forward, moving to walk at my side as we stride through the massive entryway of the castle. The eyes of the Hunters loyal to Nox watch us with a flicker of curiosity and wonder, which quickly morphs into fear the moment Razar snarls and trots up at our heels.

We round the corner, bringing us to the grand staircase, and I grin at the sight of Elaine moving about, instructing the Hunters on what to do and where to go. The elegant, older woman has her hands clasped behind her back, her fine gown of royal blue velvet cascading around her as she turns, dipping her head in acknowledgment to Nox and me as we approach. I smile back, despite my foul mood, unable to help myself. She reminds me so much of my mother, and I can't help but love the woman all the more for it.

“Lennox. It's good to see you back to yourself. Do you truly think that show was necessary?” Elaine scolds, and I chuckle when Lennox frowns, looking like a toddler caught with his hand in a cookie jar. They make quite the pair at the moment. Elaine, immaculately poised, from her demeanor to her appearance...and Lennox, with his tattered clothes and emotions barely under control. Looking at them, it should be easy to guess who was royal, but you wouldn’t guess it to be Lennox in his current state.

“Yes, I do. But I don’t think now is the time to discuss that. It looks like you have all the preparations well in hand. I’m afraid a few rogue Hunters escaped my men and fled south. Meaning our timeline for preparation needs to be brought up,” Lennox admits, making Elaine grimace.

“By how much?”

“I would be surprised if our enemy isn't on our doorstep in ten days’ time. Fourteen if we are lucky,” Nox states with a growl, his body shaking as if his Demon is begging for release.

“That soon?! Lennox, I’m not sure we can convince the others that this is the right path for us that quickly. I need more time! And I want every one of my Hunters out of the holding cells; they are not prisoners,” Elaine whispers, keeping her voice low so the Hunters, who are cleaning and lighting candles nearby, don't hear.

“They will stay put until I can vet them myself. I refuse to put our lives… or your life in danger by overlooking a misled Hunter with a vendetta. The moment I know they won’t attack us, they will be released no matter their loyalty and I’ll do my best to give you the time I can. But I’m afraid the European and African Seniorems have had outside help and will be here much sooner than we would like. They share the same views that Axford did and heavily supported his barbaric actions. They won’t let his death or the attack on this castle slide, I’m afraid.”