“Would you like to fight the Senioriem untrained? Or would you like to stand a fighting chance?” Creed asks, and I sigh in frustration, pulling on my captured wrist but not getting anywhere when Creed tightens his grip on me.
“Who says we will fight them for you?” I ask, lying since we all know the Seniorem is corrupt as fuck, and if they gain control of this castle, things will only get worse. Besides, there is no way in hell I would let Theo and Jordan fight without me, even if their fighting skills far outweigh my own. “This is your war, not ours,” I add. Creed gives me a patronizing look before he releases my wrist, his fingers letting go one by one.
“How in the world is this not your war, Lemon Drop? This is technically an Umbra Hunter problem, and Nox has decided to help despite being counseled against it. And even if this were a Demon war, you would still be involved. You are of both worlds, Meyer. There is no running from that.”
“Meyer will not be fighting. She's not trained enough for that,” Jordan snarls, stepping up to Creed's side and glaring death at him. Neither of the boys reacts to Creed's remark about how I’m of both worlds. I told them last night that I was a Dream Walker, and Theo immediately figured it out. Turns out Elaine had been teaching him some of the old history that the Seniorem got rid of this whole time. In fact, Theo’s knowledge of Demons surpassed my own, but we had to explain it to Jordan. He instantly apologized for all the mean Demon comments he’d said over the last few hours once he realized I was one.
“She will, and you don't have a say. The only ones who have a choice in that fact are the Regalis Senior and Meyer. In fact, you shouldn't even be here arguing with me. Go report to your Senior, Ranger Jennings. Or I’ll ensure you won't lay eyes on Meyer for the rest of the week,” Creed threatens in a dark voice, stepping subtly in front of me, his protective actions making me roll my eyes. Theo watches Creed's movement with his own skeptical look before glancing at me, silently asking me what I want them to do.
Creed growls in irritation when he sees both Jordan and Theo ignoring him, watching me for my answer, and I nod, letting them know it's fine to go. I may not like Creed very much right now, but I no longer think my life is in danger where these men are concerned. I’m not sure if these men have my best interests at heart, but I know I’m safe, for now.
Theo nods, his eyes flicking to the closed door, brows creased like he’s wondering what the hell we are all about to step into when we get to the Training Center, and Jordan grunts, not liking that I’m telling them to leave.
“Come on. I don’t want to make a bad impression on my Senior on the first day,” Theo mutters with a tired sigh, his long fingers latching around Jordan's wrist as he tugs him away from Creed. Jordan follows reluctantly, but glares at Creed the entire way out of the room until Theo shuts the door.
“I don’t think they like me,” Creed muses, bringing his hand up to rub at the dark brown scruff covering his jaw, eyeing the closed door with a narrowed-eyed look.
“No shit, Sherlock,” I grumble, walking away from Creed to where I laid my clothes out to dry. I’m only wearing one of Creed's shirts, and it's barely long enough to cover my ass. I need to get dressed before I face these guys and try to make sense of what's going to happen now.
After bathing last night, I used the water in the tub to wash my dirty clothes, then left them to dry while I talked with Jordan and Theo. Reaching out, I grab my pants and shirt before walking behind the screen Creed has set up by his tub, and yank off his shirt, trying hard to ignore his presence in the room. I can hear his feet draw near and hold my breath as I step into my pants and button them up. Will he come around the screen or give me the privacy I need to get dressed?
“Lemon Drop… can we talk for a minute?” he asks, voice soft and warm, completely different from the one he had used with Jordan and Theo.
“Yes. But only if I get answers,” I reply, yanking my shirt over my head and trying to ignore the fact that it smells like Creed. I didn't have any soap with me when I was bathing and was forced to use Creed’s, so now my clothes and hair smell like the man I’m most upset with; which is frustrating since Creed smells so damn good. All I want to do is bring the fabric of my shirt to my nose and huff it, but I simultaneously want to throw it to the ground and forget I ever met the lying bastard.
Creed's feet shuffle on the other side of the screen, and I can picture how he’s shifting from foot to foot, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. “Of course,” he agrees faster than I thought he would, and I purse my lips as I run my fingers through my clean but tangled hair. I wasn’t able to brush it last night since I couldn't find a hairbrush, so I had only used my fingers. Now I regret all my life choices. I look like a mess. I know I do, but after the last few days, I honestly don't give a crap.
“Alright, so start talking,” I prompt.
“Uhhh,” Creed rasps as he paces in front of the screen, waiting for me to come out. “What do you want to know?” he asks, sounding at a loss as to where to start. I frown and try to think of what I want to know first. It may be childish, but there is one thing that is bothering me more than anything else.
“Did you sleep with me only to earn my trust?” I whisper, starting out heavy but needing to know the answer before we continue this conversation.
“What?! No! No, Meyer, I swear I didn’t,” Creed practically shouts, his feet moving to the side of the screen before he curses and waits. “Are you done? Can I see you yet?” I mentally give him bonus points for asking rather than barging back here. Instead of answering him, I step out from behind the screen on the other side to keep my distance between us.
“Did you pursue me to earn my trust? Were you using me… playing with me to get me to trust you?” I ask, not wanting to waste any time. I needed to go down to the Training Center and meet up with Jordan and Theo, and then I needed to track down Valen.
Creed hesitates this time, and I shake my head, letting my eyes fall shut as hurt courses through me. My head throbs, and my stomach rumbles, so I decide that I can ask him more questions after breakfast and after I find Valen. Turning on my heel, I move to the door, determined not to let the crippling pain inside me grow. I can't let it! I have things that need to be done.
“Meyer, wait! Please let me explain!” Creed shouts, rushing after me and catching me around the waist just before my fingers make contact with the doorknob.
“Let me go!” I hiss between clenched teeth as Creed scoops me up off my feet like I weigh nothing.
“No! You're too goddamn stubborn to let this go until you have all the information. You asked for answers, and I’m going to give you them!” Creed growls, turning us away from the door and striding back toward his bed.
I kick at his shin, making him grunt when my heels make contact. I grind my teeth together and wiggle from his arms, twisting out of his grip. Unfortunately for me, he’s too quick, catching me by my shoulders and shoving me back, making me stumble a few feet until my back presses firmly against the wall. I gasp then inhale when Creed invades my space, taking over every inch of breathing room.
“Stop it!” he snaps, his face tight with frustration as he pins me to the wall with his body, his warmth rushing me and making my nipples pebble irritatingly in my bra. My body practically sings when I feel his hard-muscled one press against every inch of mine, and I hate it so fucking much! “I’ll give you everything, Meyer! Fucking everything you want, just don’t walk out on me! On us… please,” he rasps, leaning down. His forehead pressed to mine makes my heart clench, and causes agony to spread from my chest, crawling to my limbs and enveloping me in bone-deep pain.
How? How do I give him what he asks for when he just admitted to using me like that?
“I can’t,” I finally croak out, shaking my head and closing my eyes so I don't have to see the heartbreak in his. Why is he acting like this? He said he was using me. Why does he look like I just stabbed him in the chest with my words? “Don’t you understand I can never trust you again. I-I hate you!” I rattle off, shoving desperately at his chest, needing air. Space away from him!
Creed's dark chuckle makes my heart skip as his hands wrap around my wrists, stopping me from hitting him again. I try to control my heavy breathing as Creed leans impossibly closer, his warm breath fanning over my lips as he shakes his head, capturing my gaze with his heated one.
“You’re lying, Lemon Drop. I know I fucked up, and I’m willing to do what you need in order for you to trust me again. But don’t stand there and claim you hate me when we both know it's a lie.” My eyes widen, and I shake my head in a desperate denial of his words, only they’re the truth, aren’t they? Even after everything he just said and admitted… I don't hate Creed, despite how much I wish I did.
“Don’t, baby,” Creed pleads, his hands dropping my wrist, and I let them fall to his chest as he places a long finger under my chin and tilts my face up, our lips only a breath apart. “Don’t push me away. Let me fix what I broke,” he rasps, voice rough as he closes the distance and presses his lips to mine in the softest of kisses.