“She’s fine,” Razar snaps, silencing everyone with his words. I'm pretty sure Theo’s mouth drops open in shock as he turns and looks at the man who looks a little less feral than he had only seconds ago. “You wanted her to learn how to fight? And she was able to distract me long enough to pull me to the ground,” Razar rasps, making Lennox glare at him unimpressed.

“Training is over. Go shower and eat breakfast,” Lennox snaps, and the Regalis Rangers close enough to hear dip their heads in response, then rush off to tell the others. Jordan grins, and Theo scowls, looking at his Bloodline still running around the track and wincing when his Senior looks up and finds him over here.

“Fuck, I have to go. You okay, Angry Girl?” he asks, brushing some hair off my face and earning a growl from the man standing behind me. Theo smirks and winks at me in response, making Creed's arm tighten uncomfortably as he steps back, putting space between Theo and me.

“Yeah. I’m fine,” I reassure him as Jordan scowls at Creed.

“Okay. See you guys at breakfast,” Theo says and rushes back to his Bloodline. I can hear his Seniors chastising him from here as Theo returns, and I wince. Shit. Hopefully, he doesn't get in too much trouble.

“Get her to my office,” Lennox snaps at Creed, his green eyes scanning me before he turns his attention back to Razar, who is adjusting his hood, making it completely cover his face.

“I’m fine. Razar’s right. You wanted him to train me, and that's what he was doing,” I say, shrugging out of Creed’s hold, shooting him a small smile before I walk over to Jordan. “Let's go eat.” Jordan nods and steps to my side as we walk out, following the other Regalis Rangers.

“Meyer, that was amazing! You actually got Razar on the ground!” Jordan whispers excitedly, and I shrug.

“I was able to take him by surprise. I'm sure he’ll make me regret it tomorrow,” I mutter, tossing a look over my shoulder at the three brothers who wordlessly watch me leave the training room.



“Do you know where Creed is headed?” I ask Theo as he shovels food into his mouth, barely taking the time to breathe between bites. His tray is heaping with food, almost tripling the amount I got myself. He’s sitting next to me, leaving Jordan to sit on the other side of the narrow table.

“Um, I think I overheard him telling Monroe he was heading out to check on the horses. It got really cold last night, and they want them ready just in case there is another Demon attack. So he was turning on the extra heaters,” Theo grumbles, his mouth full of food. Jordan scowls at him, then offers his napkin and shakes his head when Theo only grins at him. “Why?” Theo asks, smirking at me and wiggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah… you…you didn't sleep in your bunk last night,” Jordan adds, looking at me before his eyes widen in surprised excitement.

“Holy fucking shit! You totally banged Credence Regalis, didn't you?!” Theo practically shouts, making Jordan sit forward and slap his hand over Theo's lips.

“Theo!” I hiss, darting panicked eyes around us. Thankfully most of the Rangers have already had their breakfast and have left to have some personal time until our hand-to-hand training. So there aren't many people close to us.

Theo cringes then flips a Ranger off when he looks over his shoulder at us from the table a few feet away. “Shit, Sorry! That was a little loud,” he admits, grabbing Jordan's hand and prying it away from his lips as he talks. Jordan snorts in exasperation, letting his hand drop.

“You think? You want to kick him in the balls, Babe? I'll hold him for you,” Jordan asks, then looks at me, and I laugh.

“Kinky,” Theo says, then cringes. “But please don’t. I have an attachment to those, and I've seen Angry Girl mad before,” he mutters, reaching down to cover his junk protectively, giving me some serious side-eye.

I roll my eyes at him and quickly shovel what's left of my food into my mouth, wanting to find Creed and ask him a few questions. When I move to stand up, Theo and Jordan's hands snap out, latching onto my wrists at the same time.

“Are you really going to make us ask?” Jordan whispers, and I frown.

“Details, Angry Girl! We need all the details! What happened last night?” Theo asks, yanking me back down to the seat next to him. I shake my head and look around the mostly empty cafeteria. “Was he super hot in bed? Or soft and sweet?”

“Not now, Theo,” I whisper, then wince at his immediate shit-eating grin.

“Damn. Really!? Girl! That explains why the man has been eye fucking you all morning,” Theo whisper- shrieks, stabbing at his scrambled eggs and eating another bite. Jordan narrows his eyes and then points a finger at me.

“You can’t leave us in suspense like that!! Spill,” he demands when I blush.

“Theo!” someone shouts from across the cafeteria, making the three of us jump a little. I look up to find the Drakos girl that Theo had been flirting with at the Ranger games jumping up and down, waving him over to her.

“Shit! I’ve got to go meet up with Kelsie. But we’re not done here, Angry Girl! I need those details tonight after your lessons. Let's meet up in the common room,” Theo suggests, grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder before running off, his still half-full tray of food in his hands.

I watch Jordan as he visibly deflates, glaring daggers at the girl before turning back to his food and stabbing a grape extra hard with his fork. “Why don’t you tell Theo you have feelings for him?” I ask, my voice low so that only Jordan can hear. He instantly starts coughing, then pounds on his chest with his fist as he stares at me in shock.

“What the hell are you talking about? I don't have feelings for Theo!” he whisper-yells at me when he finally gets his coughing under control. I eye him for a moment and sigh, then nod.

“Alright.” I stand, grabbing my tray to leave, and Jordan follows suit, walking behind me as we clear our food and leave the cafeteria.