“The Regalis Bloodline Senior. Or I guess he's acting as the Regalis Senior. The Seniorem hasn't voted him in yet, so we still call him Umbra Regalis. But he's the one in charge.”

“Well, I'm afraid your Senior must be mistaken then.” Valen shrugs and then looks around us. “We are here after all,” he points out. “And I know several others just like us.”

“Then I need to move to Europe. I wonder if I’m from there,” I muse, then look at Valen. “Do any Umbra Hunters pull a weird blue color on the blood results? Mine came back Regalis because it was blue, but one of the old geezers said it was the wrong shade.”

“Old geezers?” Valen laughs with a huff as he steps up to me and then offers me his elbow. I stare at him in disbelief, not sure what to do next. I mean, I do. I've seen several romance movies, but I've never had a guy offer me his elbow before.

Slowly I reach out, letting my fingers rest in the crook of his arm, then look up at him. Valen's smile takes my breath away, and I have to take a moment to remember what we were talking about.

“Yeah… uh. They are old geezers. All of them. The Dickwad is the worst, though,” I admit, and Valen chuckles.

“You have a certain flair for nicknames, Mi Sol. Remind me to stay on your good side to avoid earning one of my own. But no. I'm aware of no blue in any of our Bloodlines.”

I snort and give him a side eye as he leads me through the snow. “No worries. Saving me from a bunch of Demons pretty much guarantees you are safe from my awful names. I owe you for that,” I admit, squeezing his arm gently, surprised at what I feel, he may be more slender than most of the Hunters I know, but he feels like he’s sculpted out of marble. “Thank you, Valen. I’m pretty sure that night would have ended badly if you hadn't been there.”

“No thanks are needed, Mi Sol. I should be the one to thank you. The darkness has been far too lonely. Your light has given me something to look forward to. Although I admit, I was feeling rather defeated before you came into my life,” he murmurs, his other hand moving to rest on the one I have tucked into his elbow.

“About that… are you sure you’re lost and not,” I pause, then cringe. “You know, dead?” I ask awkwardly, making Valen laugh out loud, his eyes twinkling with happiness as he stares down at me.

“I’m not dead, Mi Sol. You wouldn't be able to call me into your dreams if I were. However, I could have sworn you were calling me to you earlier. Were you in a dream and didn't call me?” he asks, looking somewhat affronted.

“No,” I say with a frown, looking down as I trudge through the snow while noticing how Valen walks over it, only sinking maybe an inch. What the hell? What type of voodoo shit is he pulling? “I’ve been trying to get back here, but this is the first time I’ve been able to since I first met you.”

Valen frowns and then shakes his head. “That makes no sense. I heard your voice. I know I did, but I never came to you. It was like I was trapped in between the darkness and your dream,” he says in frustration, looking up at me. “Are you certain?”

“Yes. One hundred percent haven't been here without you,” I promise, looking up from my feet to see where we are going. It's easier to walk in the boots, but they aren't insulated at all, and my toes are slowly going numb. “Where is our cave?” I ask, wanting to get to it and build a fire so I can warm up a bit.

“Our cave?” Valen chuckles, then points ahead of us past a few bushes that head off into the trees toward the side of the mountain. “It's right over there. We should gather firewood if you are cold, though,” he muses, and I nod in agreement, moving to let go of his arm and head toward one of the big bushes. I'm pretty sure that's where he said he got the dry branches from before.

“What are you doing?” he asks, his hand tightening on mine so that I can't let go of his arm.

“Getting branches? That's what you just said we should do,” I point out, and Valen smiles, lifting my hand in his and sets it more comfortably on his arm.

“Yes, but I didn't want you to let go. We can retrieve them together.”

“Oh, alright,” I say, giving him a once over before laughing.

“What has you so amused?” he asks, heading in the direction of the bushes and small trees that are clustered nearby.

“Your behavior is not what I’m used to. You're so… proper,” I finally say after struggling to find the right word.

“Proper? I'm proper because I have good manners and don't want you walking alone with the Beastia so close?” he asks, looking at the bushes before casually waving a hand and moving them completely out of the way. I watch in awe as Valen bends down and retrieves the branches, then sets the hovering bush back on the ground. He chuckles at my dumbfounded expression as he passes me the branches and moves to another bush, doing the same cool floating trick.

“How do you do that?” I ask in amazement, turning to look at the other bushes and trees, wondering if he could move those as well.

“They are nothing, Mi Sol. I’m simply manipulating a dream you created. You're the one that keeps bringing us back here. Personally, I prefer warmer climates, but this is like paradise compared to what I have been living in.”

“You mean I’m deciding to bring us to this…” I wave around us and scowl. “Frozen wasteland? No… no way. Are dreams influenced by where I’m located? I’m pretty sure this is near the castle. It looks similar in appearance,” I mutter, eyeing the tall trees in the distance, then frowning when I see a small path that reminds me of the one I ran on during the relay.

Valen nods as he piles the sticks on his elbow near my hand, bending down to gather a few more. “Yes. Dreams, especially ones that are recurring, are typically created by an event, location, or soul that is tied to the dreamer. How do you feel about this place? Is there a reason you are so drawn to it?”

“No. I hate it here. I’m not here by choice; the dickwad kidnapped me, and no one will let me leave,” I snap, a wave of frustration hitting me, bringing back all my bitter resentment.

“Wait, they kidnapped you? But aren’t you a Hunter? Were you not raised in the fold?”

“The fold?” I giggle and shake my head. “You make it sound like a religion or a cult.” Valen only shrugs his shoulders.

“If the shoe fits,” he mutters.