“Don’t… Meyer, you can’t. I won’t be able to stop and—” A low howl cuts him off, and we both stare at each other with wide eyes, reality crashing into us at the same time. Lennox’s face hardens, his body tensing over mine before he reaches back, grabs my legs wrapped around his hips, and yanks them off. “Get up,” he snaps, jumping to his feet and walking over to where his ax fell when I yanked him to the ground earlier.
I blink at him in surprise, lifting myself up on my elbows as I watch him straighten and run a hand through his mussed hair. He turns disgusted eyes on me, and I subconsciously flinch back as his gaze runs over me, and a sneer forms on his lips. “Get back to the castle, and don't you fucking dare say a single thing about this to your little friends.”
I quickly stand from where he left me lying in the snow and glare at him, feeling hurt, angry… and a little used. “I wouldn't have said anything to them,” I mutter, brushing the snow from my arms and legs before searching the ground for my Kalis. “You don’t have to worry about that.” Lennox gives me a doubtful look, then wrinkles his nose at me.
“Fix your hair and put some ice on your lips. You look like a mess.” I bring my hand up to my mouth, dusting my fingers over my lips, and stare at the man in shock. He did not just say that. “And if you try to throw this back in my face, to blackmail me by threatening to tell any other Senior about this, I'll make sure there is nothing left of you to find. Am I understood?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? They are swollen because you kissed me so damn hard, Lennox. Maybe I wouldn't be like this if you knew how to kiss properly. Because what you just gave me was lackluster at best,” I shout at him, anger and embarrassment washing over me as I bend down and snatch up my blade, tucking it in my waistband before I turn on the asshole who’s looking at me with fire burning in his green eyes.
I’m totally lying out of my ass right now. The kiss Lennox and I just shared was probably the best kiss I have ever had. No, scratch that. It is the best kiss I have ever received. When our lips touched, it's like the world faded away. All our problems melting from us as we lost ourselves in each other's arms. It was everything I wanted and more. Which makes his disgusted looks my way and rejection hurt even more.
“Do not call me by my given name, Ranger Smith,” he snaps as he straightens his clothes and fixes some of his fighting leathers. “And I don't have time to take care of your pathetic needs. Go find an ego boost somewhere else.” I can feel the pain inside like a knife, his words hitting deeper than he probably realizes. In a desperate attempt at self-preservation, I scoff and turn on him, letting out a humorless laugh.
“I was telling the truth before, Umbra Regalis. I wouldn't want anyone to know I stooped so low as to kiss the likes of you. Besides, you already handed off my ‘care’ to Jordan. I'm sure he’ll be more than happy to take care of my needs,” I hiss between clenched teeth.
Another lie. One, I hope Lennox is too wound up to notice. He seems to be able to know when I’m lying, but I got away with the first one, so hopefully, he’s too distracted to see the truth.
The idea of Jordan touching me like Lennox just did gives me the creeps. He’s like an annoying little brother I can't help but love and nothing more. But Lennox doesn't have to know that. I have to fight off the thrill I feel when Lennox’s jaw tightens, his hands fisting at his sides as he takes a threatening step toward me.
“If I find out that boy has laid more than a finger on you, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” I sneer when he doesn't finish his sentence. Lennox growls under his breath and grips his ax harder, his knuckles whitening as he throws it over his shoulder with a curse.
“Get your ass back to the castle, Ranger. Or I'll write you up for disobedience and assign you to clean duty for a month,” Lennox barks, glaring at me before turning and stomping back in the direction we had just come from.
I watch him go, my body still tense, ready for the fight, but once he disappears into the trees, my shoulders slouch, and I sigh, goosebumps prickling at my skin as a gust of bitter cold winter air rushes over the frosted mountainside. Blonde hair whips in my face, more than half of it out of the ponytail I tied it back in, and I reach up, gathering the long tangled locks, and fix my messy hair, hating that Lennox was right. I'm sure I look like a mess.
Slowly I turn, trying not to think about how much it hurt to see that disgusted look Lennox had given me when he realized what we had done. “Stupid,” I mutter as I walk through the castle gates. “So fucking stupid. Why did I let that happen?” Umbra Hunters are rushing all over the courtyard. The bodies that had been here before are gone, leaving only the corpses of the Demons scattered on the ground. An older Hunter is walking between the Demons, a torch in his hand, lighting them on fire to dispose of their bodies, filling the air with a revolting smell. I grimace and shake my head, trying to eliminate the hurt and embarrassment lingering in my mind.
People died tonight. The castle was attacked, and I still don't know if Theo and Jordan are okay or if they have been wounded. I pick up my pace and run toward the stairs. Fuck Lennox Regalis. He can burn in hell with the rest of the Demons.
* * *
Cold wind whips around my bare legs, the blue fabric of my dress already freezing at the hem as I turn in a circle, throwing my hands up in the air in exasperation. “Really?” I shout into the blizzard that is raging around me. “Can’t I have a night off?”
My body still aches from the Demon battle I just got back from, and I’m pretty sure I barely fell asleep. Jordan and Theo had been waiting in the barracks common room when I came through the door and pounced on me, asking about a million questions while patting me down, ensuring I was okay. After I had done the same to them, we decided it was bedtime since we were technically supposed to wake up in four hours for conditioning.
Groaning, I look around the dark snowy landscape for the stupid pine tree I found last time, knowing I’m in for another cold, restless night. As I turn, I immediately go on guard, a chill racing down my spine and a sick sense of excitement rushing over me. “No,” I breathe out, spinning in each direction, looking for the nightmare I know is close. The scars on my back tingle, the echoing pain igniting my fear as I desperately look for somewhere to hide. “Come on, stupid tree, where are you?”
I spin in circles, taking a few steps forward, and shake my head when I realize there are no trees; not even the little ones are here anymore. “What the hell is going on?” I whisper, not wanting to shout, scared the nearby Demons might find me. Something rustles near me, the sound of crunching snow making my heart race. Unfortunately, the dark of the night keeps me blind to the nightmares, and I curse, looking down at the weird dress I'm wearing, hoping I can find some kind of weapon there.
I panic when all I find is dark blue silk and some delicate-looking armor. More crunching snow has me shaking my head, gathering my dress in my hands, and running. There is no shelter nearby, and I have no weapon. If I stay here, I'm as good as dead. I learned the hard way that you don't run from a Demon. It triggers their primal side, making them ten times more dangerous, but I don't have any other option.
I run as fast as I can through the snow, letting the ridiculous slippers on my feet fall off as I sprint like a madman, following the only thing I can see—the moon. At least I know I won’t be running in circles this time. A howl rings out directly behind me, making a startled yelp tear from my lips as I go. Shit, that thing is so close…
I keep running. The sound of crunching snow coming from both sides of me tears a terrified whimper from me as I run desperately through the snow, my feet already numb from the icy cold.
“Turn right,” a voice suddenly demands, making me scream and stop in my tracks. “Don’t stop! Turn and run. Now!” the voice says again, and I nod, not really caring who this voice belongs to, as three dark shadows block the way in front of me. I turn right and run as fast as possible, letting my dress fall, my arms pumping at my sides as a Demon snarls and lunges behind me. The growl is cut off by a yelp and a howl, making my blood turn cold as another shadow runs up next to me.
“Run faster!” the voice demands, anger and worry lacing its tone.
“I can’t!” I yell back. Green light flashes to my left, and I shriek, ducking my head as something crashes into the ground next to me.
“Left!” the voice demands, and I turn, my lungs burning, my eyes straining to see anything that might help me out of this predicament. “You're almost there. Keep going!”
I have no idea where I’m running to, but I don't argue. I pump my legs faster, trying desperately to keep my weight distributed on the frozen crust of snow under me so I don't sink into it, but it's nearly impossible when you're running for your life. “Shit! Faster, you have to go faster!” the voice bellows, and I scream in anger, tears filling my eyes when I hear the pounding footfalls of something running up fast behind me.
I can hear the heavy breath of the Demon, the snarls and soft growls it makes as it gives chase, hunting me down. My heart lodges in my throat, and I can feel the tears on my cheeks turn cold just as a big pine tree comes into view. I run for it, reaching out with my arms just as the Demon lets out a roar of victory. No! I’m too late.