Lainey’s moans peak until she calls out my name, thanking the heavens for our time. “Thomas. Oh God.” She bucks as her grip tightens on my neck and she convulses beneath me, riding the wave of her orgasm. I try to hold strong, but within seconds, I’m grunting her name as I follow her over the edge, my body shaking when it all becomes too much.
“You are a goddess,” I rush out as I slow, our hips moving in sync. “You were made for me.”
Lainey giggles, and it’s not until I fall onto the bed beside her that a panic hits me. “Jesus, fuck. We didn’t—”
“I’m on the pill and I’ve never not used protection,” she cuts in, scrunching her nose. “Also, um…this may be toomuch information, but my periods don’t really come regularly anyway. It stems from being a ballerina.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal while my chest tightens, my own panic completely subsiding.
“I’ve never gone without either,” I say and that reality should be a big deal, but it’s not something I can think about now. Instead I’m worried for Lainey. She’s put herself through hell and for what? So her family could force her into going somewhere she didn’t want to go, only to leave before finishing her degree.And more. I know there’s more.
“Anyway, the world doesn’t exist, remember?” she adds with a smile, rolling onto her side. “And since it’s just us, what should we do next?”
Iwake to Lainey’s naked body sprawled across my chest and the fine strands of her pink hair tickling my nose, but I’m too comfortable to move. Last night was an experience I will never get over. Lainey wanted to forget about the outside world, and God, did we do that. At one point, I forgot my own name.
Now, with her wrapped in my arms, her soft breath warming my skin, I want to live in this blissful existence for as long as she’ll let me. But when my phone beeps with a text, I gently lift her, jumping up before it goes off again.
After locating my phone near our uneaten midnight snack, I silence it without looking at the screen, tossing it onto the armchair beside me. Right now, there is nothing more important than Lainey, and I don’t want anything to ruin her peace.
From my position on the edge of the bed, I sit and study her for a moment, smiling when she stirs, a soft sigh escaping her adorable pout. She’s always been beautiful—even when we were teens, it was impossible to deny the attraction I felt—but right now, she’s breathtaking, and I want to do anything I can to protect her.
Gently sliding back the covers, I tuck myself in beside her and wrap an arm around her waist, splaying my hand over her bare stomach. And just like it always does when she’s around, a peace settles in my chest as I soak in the feel of her, letting her warmth work its way through my body.
Lainey groans as she rolls over to face me, her previously peaceful expression now pinched like she’s in pain. A sharp pang hits me until a smile lights up her face, and she comically winces.
“Why am I so sore?” she groans again, making me chuckle. “Stop moving, it hurts.” She giggles and a feeling of pride takes over me. I like knowing I made her feel just as good as she did for me.
“What hurts the most?” I ask, keeping the humor from my voice. “Let me look after you.”
She lifts her head and studies my expression before her brows rise. “My stomach,” she sasses, biting back her smile. “I’m sure some room service would help.”
I fake a pout before standing up and stretching my body, reaching for the room service menu, laughing at Lainey’s puzzled expression. “Something wrong?” I question her.
“Do all hotels have mirrored windows or just the fancy ones?” she asks, folding her arms under her chin to watch me.
“I actually have no idea,” I say honestly, turning to check out the view. “I haven’t checked this one out yet.”
Lainey’s eyes flash in the same direction before she sits up, collecting the crisp white sheet in her hands. “You know you’re famous, right? And very naked.”
“I’m not famous.” I laugh. “I’m a rookie, but thank you for giving me a big head.”
“Thomas. Need I remind you that you are one of the quarterbacks for a huge team. You missed out on making the Super Bowl by the smallest margin.Andthere’s rumors about you and Ralph Lauren forming a sponsorship deal.” Good to know she’s keeping tabs on me. “Everyoneknows your name. And if they don’t, they soon will. Standing in front of a window buck naked is not your brightest idea.”
Instead of acknowledging the accolades or making a smart-ass comment, emotion clogs my chest to an unbearable level. Everything she said is true, and yet, I feel completely empty when it comes to that.
I’m about to fake a smile and step away when she stands up with the sheet still in her grasp and walks over, wrapping it around me,hernaked body now on display.
I groan as I untwist myself, opening the sheet to encompass us both, smiling when her smooth body presses against me, the tightness dissipating. “For the record, I would rather have naked photos ofmeall over the world than one ofyouin this moment.And that will never change.”No matter what happens.
Lainey curls her body into mine, and I once again bask in her warmth, but when she breaks away from my touch, I catch a glimpse of the pain marred in her features, and the tension returns.
“Are you happy?” I ask, linking my fingers with hers, pulling her back into my fold.
She nods as she smiles up at me, a mask settling into place. “I am. I’ve got a lot to be happy for. Are you?” she counters, her eyes narrowing in challenge.
My answer hits me instantly, and I fake a smile to hide my frown. Lainey makes me happy. She makes me feel things I’ve never felt before, but if I’m speaking about happiness in the broad sense of the term, then no. But how can I tell her that? How can I tell anyone that considering how amazing my life looks from the outside?
Lainey’s stomach audibly rumbles, interrupting my need to answer, and we fall back into a playful banter, neither of us acknowledging my lack of response. We eat unhurriedly, but as soon as breakfast is done, Lainey heads to the bathroom, returning fully dressed and ready to leave. “I better get going. I have a lot to do today, and—”
“Wait,” I say urgently, a new panic taking over me. “It’s still early. I need more time.” I still don’t know what happened.